NENA Recommended Generic Standards for E9‑1‑1 PSAP Intelligent Workstations Available for Public Review & Comment

NENA Recommended Generic Standards for E9‑1‑1 PSAP Intelligent Workstations defines the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Intelligent Workstation (IWS) equipment requirements intended for use by users, manufacturers and providers of E9‑1‑1 Customer Premise Equipment (CPE). This standard is a guide for designers and manufacturers of E9‑1‑1 PSAP equipment.  It defines conditions and identifies engineering and technical requirements to be considered before the purchase of such equipment. It may also be of value to purchasers, maintainers and users of such equipment. See the full document here.
Click here for comment submission instructions. All comments are due by midnight Eastern on  April 6. Contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

National Emergency Number Association