Volunteer for the New FutureThink Committee

The FutureThink Committee is responsible for researching, reporting, and forecasting emerging topics of importance. The Committee aims to guide public-safety leaders through long-term decision-making and direction setting, and in the development of action plans for NENA as a whole moving into the future. The Committee will provide education and outreach to NENA members to initiate discussion and prepare industry leaders for the future of 9-1-1. Committee work products may include standards, requirements, and informational documents, as well as non-traditional work products such as white papers, presentations, briefings, text contributions to other committees and working groups, regulatory and legislative campaign recommendations, and more.

Volunteers should have a variety of expertise, be forward thinking and accepting of new technologies. NG9-1-1 subject matter experts (SME), private sector professionals, and PSAP operations personnel are all invited to contribute, as well as anyone deeply familiar with how 9-1-1 works and how technology, economic, and political trends and events may affect us in the future.

One-hour calls will be held every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 12PM Eastern beginning April 27th.

Click here to volunteer. 

National Emergency Number Association