New Date! Free Cybersecurity Webinar Rescheduled for 06.14

Computer-Aided Disaster
New Date! Wednesday, June 14 | 3PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
FREE for NENA Members
Click here to register!

In 2021, Bedford County, VA 9-1-1 experienced a catastrophic cybersecurity incident. For 2.5 months, all public-safety-system data was lost, leaving dispatchers to use pen and paper to do their jobs! During this time, staff had to develop new tools and workflows to maintain daily operations, safety, and situational awareness. Attend this webinar to hear about how the 9-1-1 center managed and recovered from the chaos of sudden and complete data loss. You’ll learn:


This #WebinarWednesday is brought to you by Priority Dispatch Corporation. For over 45 years, Priority Dispatch has promoted fast, safe, and effective emergency dispatch practices. The Priority Dispatch System is built on the gold-standard protocols of the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch, and it's widely regarded as the standard of care and practice for emergency calltaking. Priority Dispatch helps you provide the highest level of care on every call. Learn more at

Can't attend on the 14th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Presenters: Christine Giglio, ENP – Bedford County (VA) Emergency Communications Center | Michael Miller – Bedford County (VA) Emergency Communications Center

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the twelve-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.

Questions? Contact Amanda Tegtmeyer with the NENA Education team.

National Emergency Number Association