Volunteer for the Request for Proposal (RFP) Working Group

The RFP working group is reconvening to produce an updated version of the NENA Request for Proposal Considerations Information Document. The scope of this working group is to shepherd the completed draft of the document through the public review process to produce an updated version that includes expansions for cybersecurity concerns as they apply to RFP development, new sections on the Forest Guide and PSAP Credentialing Agency (PCA), and cross references to RFIs and RFPs in other documents.

A variety of expertise is sought for the volunteers of this work group, such as individuals with experience in developing RFPs, cybersecurity, digital certification processes, and Forest Guide establishment and usage. Individuals from local, county, and state government, as well as private industry professionals, with expertise in developing and responding to RFPs pertaining to NG9-1-1 products and services are desired.

Calls will be held on Wednesdays from 3PM – 4PM Eastern beginning August 16.

Click here to volunteer!

National Emergency Number Association