Volunteer for the Incident Related Imagery (IRI) Working Group

NENA seeks volunteers to help develop administrative, technical, and operational standards for PSAPs/ECCs seeking to deploy or otherwise implement Incident Related Imagery (IRI) technology. The intended deliverable is an ANSI-approved standard.

The IRI WG seeks representation from User, Producer, and General Interest categories with experience in the public-facing and private-sector sides of the emergency-communications industry. Working Group efforts will be solution agnostic, not favoring or promoting any one platform or technology. PSAP/ECC representation is welcomed and encouraged from all levels, especially from frontline personnel currently working with, or who anticipate working with, IRI technology.

Meetings will be held the second Wednesday of every month from 3PM to 4PM Eastern, beginning on 01.10.24.

Click here to join the Incident Related Imagery (IRI) Working Group.

National Emergency Number Association