NENA Demarcation Points in NG9-1-1 Information Document Now Available

The NENA Demarcation Points in NG9-1-1 Information Document identifies points of demarcation in the context of transitional and end-state NG9-1-1 architectures. It focuses on logical demarcation points and does not attempt to define the placement of physical demarcation points, recognizing that physical demarcation points and logical demarcation points may occur at the same place and that both may be used to define areas of responsibility between entities. While the location of demarcation points can impact costs and responsibilities among stakeholders, this document does not address the relative merits of different demarcation options from a regulatory or financial perspective. The document describes several potential NG9-1-1 architectures, defining both points of demarcation and interconnection, with a focus on stakeholder roles and responsibilities.

NENA thanks the Demarcation Points Working Group for the hard work committed to the development, publication, and success of this document.

National Emergency Number Association