Volunteer for the Daily Personnel Operations Working Group

NENA is seeking volunteers for the NENA Daily Personnel Operations Working Group to shepherd the draft of NENA Standard for Communications Center/PSAP Daily Personnel Operations through the document approval process. The working group has revised the current standard intended to provide recommendations to develop PSAP operational guidelines and schedules.

A variety of expertise is sought from the public safety and 9-1-1 industries as well as those with experience in communications center personnel operations. Specifically, the working group seeks to add members in the ‘Producer’ and ‘General Interest’ categories although we welcome all who want to participate.

As defined in Section 3 Document Development Process of the NENA Development Operational Procedures, a Producer is a developer or provider of 9-1-1 related products or services, and a General Interest member is a member who does not fit into User or Producer, such as consultants or those who are part of state or federal agencies.

Click here to volunteer!

National Emergency Number Association