NENA dispatch
Comtech Safety & Security Technologies
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NENA is currently experiencing an email service outage. There has been no breach of NENA member or volunteer data and only NENA’s email is affected.

Our third-party email host is actively working to resolve the issue and we hope to have service restored as quickly as possible. If you have emailed NENA since the evening of Thursday, 12.01, your email has not been delivered. NENA staff are using temporary Gmail accounts until service is restored. The temporary staff email directory is as follows:

If you have any questions about the authenticity of any message received from a staff Gmail address, you can also find staff phone numbers here.

We apologize for any inconvenience this service outage has caused. We'll post additional details here as they become available.

Learn, collaborate, and contribute at the NG9-1-1 Standards & Best Practices Conference!

#NENASBP (January 16-19, 2023 at the Hilton Clearwater in Clearwater, FL) is a conference unlike any other. It is an interactive, informative, attendee-driven event where you work to address the most pressing issues facing 9-1-1, including: recruitment, hiring, and retention; GIS and NG-data needs; location services and accuracy; culture; interoperability; telecommunicator SOPs; real-time text; transition planning; cybersecurity; multimedia messaging and accessibility; training; wellness and resiliency; the evolution of 9-1-1 center supervision and management; and more! Check out all the sessions here.

No other event provides you with the opportunity to shape the future of 9-1-1 and impact public safety for decades to come! Don’t miss your chance to be part of it! 

Click here to register and here to book your housing! Click here to learn more about #NENASBP.

US Digital Designs

Join NENA's Women in 9-1-1 (WIN) Alliance on Thursday, December 15 at 7PM Eastern as we come together for our last happy hour of 2022! Don your favorite holiday headwear or festive apparel and bring a glass of eggnog as we spread and share holiday cheer. We will have joyful conversation and maybe even play a game or two. 

Click here to join on the 15th at 7PM Eastern! 

9-1-1 Goes to Washington (#NENAGTW) brings you and hundreds of your fellow 9-1-1 professionals together with government leaders in our nation's capital to address today's most pressing 9-1-1 and emergency communications issues. #NENAGTW is the only event where you learn about the policy challenges facing 9-1-1 and then take immediate action to address them through dialogue with your elected and appointed officials.

#NENAGTW offers you a significant opportunity to shape the nation’s emergency communications policy agenda. In order to address the needs of today’s 9-1-1 systems while laying the regulatory and legislative groundwork for next-generation systems, you must understand today’s 9-1-1 policy landscape and take an active role in educating policymakers to shape the laws and rules of tomorrow. At #NENAGTW, you will do both. Join us for a dynamic, interactive program where you receive:

  • The inside information you need to shape the 9-1-1 and emergency communications agendas for the Administration and Congress;
  • Critical knowledge of federal and state 9-1-1, homeland security, and emergency communications legislation, regulation, and policy initiatives; and
  • An opportunity to speak directly with members of Congress, administration officials, and key staff to make your voice heard on behalf of the entire 9-1-1 community. 

Click here to register, here to book your housing, and here to learn more. 

It’s time to renew your NENA membership! You can do it in just a few quick steps:

1. Simply log in to the NENA website. 
2. Go to your Manage Profile page. 
3. Click on Membership under the "Account History" header to view your renewal options. 
4. Pay online by check or credit card.
5. Print out a receipt for your records.

And don’t forget, group memberships are a great way to share all that NENA has to offer with everyone in your organization! And if you're retired (and have been a NENA member for at least 12 years), you can apply for our "Retired" member category. Click here for details.

Training Update
Women in 9-1-1 Webinar Series – LOL: "Leadering" Out Loud
Thursday, December 8 | 3PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
Free! Click here to register!

Leadership is not uniform. It's not always crisp and sharp. Sometimes it’s loud, messy, and even a little chaotic. There are myriad ways to lead and figuring out when to play it by the book vs. when to be fun and flexible can be tricky at any stage in your leadership journey.

Join us for this webinar where you’ll learn how to integrate creativity into traditional modes of leadership. Come find out what "leadering" is all about - empowering others, shifting perspectives, promoting positivity, and being awesome while doing it – and how you can incorporate it into your leadership playbook.

Can't attend on the 8th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Presenter: Deranecque Sims, ENP, CPE – Memphis (TN) Police

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the twelve-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.

Helping Solve the Tough Challenges: Placing Technology at the Forefront of the PSAP
Sponsored by Motorola Solutions
Wednesday, December 14 | 1PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
FREE! Click here to register!

What is the advantage of having real-time transcription of a 9-1-1 call? What is the benefit of having the transcription in multiple languages? Will streaming video from the public cause more stress on telecommunicators or offer new insight? Is technology an assist to PSAPs in solving the tough challenges like staffing, budget, and training, or not?

Join us on December 14 to look at the outcomes of placing technology at the forefront of the PSAP to help solve the tough challenges. We are joined by Travis Jensen, 911 Program Manager for the state of Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology Office, and Kim Siepert, Hybrid Product Manager, Emergency Call Handling, Motorola Solutions. Our emcee is Marty Doyle, Industry Leadership Team, Motorola Solutions and former Managing Deputy Director for the City of Chicago 9-1-1. We also have a special live technology demonstration for you. All you have to bring are your questions.

Can't attend on the 14th? Register now and you will have access to the on-demand webinar archive via the registration landing page.

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point toward the six-point maximum for non-NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details will be provided to attendees via email automatically upon registration.

The views expressed during this webinar are those of the sponsor and not necessarily those of NENA. NENA does not endorse any proprietary product or solution. Contact Sean Sullivan for more information on how your company can participate in NENA’s sponsored webinar program.

12.09.22 | Preventing Telecommunicator Tunnel Vision | Castle Hayne, NC | Register 
12.09.22 | Leadership in the 9-1-1 Center | ILO* | Register 
12.12.22 | (3-day course) | 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | Torrington, CT | Register 
12.12.22 | (5-day course) | Center Manager Certification Program (CMCP) | West Palm Beach, FL | Register 
12.15.22 | Preventing Telecommunicator Tunnel Vision | ILO* | Register 
01.09.23 | (3-day course) | Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Marshall, MI | Register
01.12.23 | SOP Development: Refining & Enhancing Your 9-1-1 Center | ILO* | Register
01.23.23 | (5-day course) | Center Manager Certification Program (CMCP) | Emporia, KS | Register

*ILO stands for Instructor-Led Online

Visit the NENA Education Calendar to see additional upcoming classes in your area and online! 

Miller at Work
Association Business

Save the date! Voting for NENA's 2022-23 Board of Directors opens on Wednesday, March 15. This election is for the following position:

Northeastern Region Director | Two candidates

The elections for Second Vice President, North Central Region Director, and Canadian Region Director are uncontested, and therefore will not be open for voting (read Lee Ann Magoski, ENP’s [Second VP] candidate statement here).

The positions of Southeastern Region Director, Western Region Director, and Private Sector Director will be up for election in 2024.

Helping Public Safety Leverage Technology
TSSI Consulting, LLC®
TSSI consultants come from the public safety, military, and vendor communities, providing management and technology services for public safety projects and procurements. Our unparalleled experience and one-of-a-kind assessment tools will ensure your technology needs are defined right. We encourage you to reduce risk, maximize expertise, and ensure success! Contact us for help with your next procurement or implementation.
Learn more
Washington Briefing

Every February, the NG911 Institute hosts the Annual 911 Honor Awards Reception to honor the heroes and leaders of the 9-1-1 community. The Co-Chairs of the Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus and other Members of Congress and federal government leaders are invited to attend and to present the awards to 9-1-1 professionals and government leaders from across the United States. The Institute needs your help in identifying heroes and leaders that should be honors this year. 

Click here to learn more and submit your nomination.

Advanced NG-911 and P25 Recording Solutions
Eventide Inc®
Eventide’s NexLog DX-series recording solutions are the most reliable, comprehensive, and easy to use recording products for NG-911, P25 and other critical communications.  NexLog DX-series recorders are highly secure and integrate with many PSAP systems including RapidSOS, RapidDeploy, ProQA, CAD and NG-911.  The NexLog DX-Series recording software is 100% designed, developed, and supported by Eventide in the USA. 
Learn More
Convert Positioning Measurements into Actionable Dispatchable Locations
GeoComm Vertical Location Services converts raw position measurements into actionable data including building name, street address, height above the ground, and probable floor level. Telecommunicators are provided 3D visualizations of a caller’s location inside a building to reduce emergency response times, to aid in saving lives and protecting property.
• Apply to be part of our early adopter program group making the z-axis actionable.