NENA dispatch
Comtech Telecommunications Corp.
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The NG9-1-1 Interoperability Oversight Commission (NIOC) is pleased to announce it has approved Atos/Eonti as the first subscriber to NIOC’s NG9-1-1 Interoperability Services, marking another step toward secure interoperability in Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) systems.

At the commission’s monthly meeting on July 12, the NIOC authorized Atos/Eonti to operate an Intermediate Certificate Authority (ICA) for the NIOC PSAP Credentialing Agency (PCA) and its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

The standards-based PKI will enable disparate jurisdictions to interoperate their 9-1-1 systems securely and seamlessly with a shared root of trust, using credentials based on ANSI-accredited consensus standards. 

"This is a landmark achievement that reflects the original vision of NG9-1-1 standards, including the NENA i3 standard and the forthcoming NG-PSAP standard," said Steve McMurrer, Chair of NIOC. "On behalf of all the commission members, I would like to thank our public and private partners for making this possible. The vision of an interoperable, standards-based cybersecurity system has been a key objective of our collective standards work." 

Click here to continue reading. 

US Digital Designs
Training Update
09.12.23 | Preventing Telecommunicator Tunnel Vision | Bridgeport, WV |Register
09.13.23 | Enhanced Caller Management | Castle Hayne, NC | Register
09.13.23 | Advanced Police Dispatching | Bridgeport, WV | Register
09.14.23 | Addressing for NG9-1-1 | ILO* | Register
09.15.23 | Advanced Fire Dispatching | Castle Hayne, NC | Register
09.19.23 | (3-day course) 9-1-1 Center Supervisor | Eau Claire, WI | Register
09.21.23 | Disaster Planning for the PSAP | ILO* | Register
09.25.23 | Enhanced Caller Management | ILO* | Register
09.26.23 | (3-day course) Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Cedar Rapids, IA | Register

*ILO stands for Instructor-Led Online

Visit the NENA Education Calendar to see additional upcoming classes in your area and online! 

The upcoming 11th NG9-1-1 Industry Collaboration Event, ICE 11, will be held November 1-3 at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Real-Time Communications Lab, in Wheaton, IL.

This event will largely repeat and expand upon ICE 10, which focused on NENA i3 Standard for Next Generation 9-1-1, Version 3, and related standards. ICE 11 will include an additional focus on the creation, logging, and conveyance of Emergency Incident Data Object (EIDO) through NextGen Core Services and NG PSAP systems (call handling and CAD). This EIDO testing was attempted, but largely uncompleted, at ICE 10, so it will be a focus again for ICE 11.

NENA invites all interested vendors that provide an NG9-1-1 product or service to participate. Originating Service Providers, NGCS vendors, Forest Guide developers, Call Handling, Incident Handling, Logging Records, Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) providers, etc., should consider participating in this event.

Click here to learn more about ICE 11 test scenarios, registration, and housing. 

Miller at Work
Document Announcements

The NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF US) Standard defines the US profile of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Presence Information Data Format-Location Object (PIDF-LO) to provide a format for exchange of civic location records.

As a Public Review 3, only the areas highlighted in yellow are open for comment.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Edit icon drop-down menu. All others may download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Document Actions icon drop-down menu.

Please complete all requested data and click Save or, if submitting multiple comments, click Save and Add Another. If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each (ex. Page 22, Line 761: Correct moist to most). If the correction is within a table, please provide the table name and page number of the error and your recommended change.

All comments are due by September 5, 2023. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns. 

The NENA Public Safety Communications & Railroad Interaction Standard Operating Procedures provide guidance to PSAPs and railroad control centers on best practices when interacting with each other on emergency incidents that involve railroads or railroad assets.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Edit icon drop-down menu. All others may download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Document Actions icon drop-down menu

Please complete all requested data and click Save or, if submitting multiple comments, click Save and Add Another. If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each (ex. Page 22, Line 761: Correct moist to most). If the correction is within a table, please provide the table name and page number of the error and your recommended change.

All comments are due by September 25, 2023. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns. 

The NENA Standard for 9-1-1/988 Interactions provides recommendations and best practices to help callers who are experiencing mental health crises. It outlines operational and technical considerations for ECCs/PSAPs to establish an effective working relationship with the 988 community.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Edit icon drop-down menu. All others may download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Document Actions icon drop-down menu.

Please complete all requested data and click Save or, if submitting multiple comments, click Save and Add Another. If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each (ex. Page 22, Line 761: Correct moist to most). If the correction is within a table, please provide the table name and page number of the error and your recommended change.

All comments are due by October 9, 2023. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns. 

Download Carbyne's Disaster Preparedness Guide
Carbyne, Inc.®
Disasters happen, but within your PSAP, failure is not an option. This Disaster Preparedness Guide will help you develop a plan on how to handle potential crises like a natural disaster, human caused events or tech issues. Creating a well-defined  emergency response protocol is essential.  Download the guide today for key tips on how to keep your PSAP going without loss of service during catastrophic events.
Learn more
Washington Briefing

The NG9-1-1 Institute works with the Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus to promote deployment of advanced and effective 9-1-1 and Next Generation 9-1-1 services throughout the nation. Founded in 2003, the Institute continues to be a valued resource for Members of Congress and their staff.

The Institute welcomes the nomination (including self-nomination) of prospective Board Members who are committed to the mission of the NG9-1-1 Institute and are prepared to dedicate themselves in the service of the organization. Institute Board Members are expected to:

  • Contribute on a national board to exercise governance, abide by fiduciary functions, and be active in carrying out the mission of the Institute;
  • Become more fully informed on the various activities of the Institute, the Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus, other related and cooperating Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), and the partners of the organization;
  • Promote the NG9-1-1 Institute and the advancement of emergency services nationwide;
  • Support an organization that works to educate the public and Congress on the issues facing emergency communications;
  • Assist the Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus in their mission of advancing 9-1-1 services nationwide; and
  • Recognize individuals for their heroism and leadership in the public safety field.

Click here to learn more and submit a nomination by September 4.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched its inaugural State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) last year, with an allocation of $185 million for fiscal year 2022. This year, an increased funding provision of $374.9 million has been announced for fiscal year 2023. As it enters its second year, the SLCGP is uniquely designed for state governments, although local and territorial entities are urged to work with their state counterparts to benefit from the available funds.

Cyberattacks pose one of the greatest threats to the nation and EMS and 911 agencies are particularly susceptible to these attacks. EMS agencies collect and store personal identifiable information, making them vulnerable to sensitive information theft. As 911 PSAPs are the critical link to deploying emergency response personnel, they are at risk of cyberattacks geared to impede the delivery of their essential services. EMS and 911 leadership are strongly encouraged to collaborate with their state offices to leverage this funding opportunity.

Click here to learn more. 

Advanced NG-911 and P25 Recording Solutions
Eventide Inc®
Eventide’s NexLog DX-series recording solutions are the most reliable, comprehensive, and easy to use recording products for NG-911, P25 and other critical communications.  NexLog DX-series recorders are highly secure and integrate with many PSAP systems including RapidSOS, RapidDeploy, ProQA, CAD and NG-911.  The NexLog DX-Series recording software is 100% designed, developed, and supported by Eventide in the USA. 
Learn More
Volunteers Wanted

There is a new study about how mental health stigma predicts the attendance of emergency services personnel at critical incident stress debriefings. You are invited to complete a 5-minute anonymous survey. Seeking volunteers that meet these requirements:

  • 18 years old or older
  • Employed as an emergency services professional (LEO, firefighter, EMS clinician, 911 telecommunicator, death investigator)
  • Employed in the United States

This study is part of the doctoral program for Braxton Morrison, a Ph.D. student at Walden University. The survey will be open until the end of September. 

Click here to view the consent form and begin the survey.

The Virtual PSAP Management Work Group is seeking subject matter experts to help complete the standard document. The working group was created to convert the 2017 information document into an ANSI standard. Since the original publication, the pandemic, civil unrest, and technological developments have expanded the interest in alternative PSAP operational alternatives.

Specifically, the WG seeks members in the General Interest and Producer categories. Producers develop and/or provide 9-1-1 related products and services and General Interest members are those who do not fit into User or Producer categories, such as consultants or those who are part of state or federal agencies. 

Click here to volunteer. The WG meets on Tuesdays from 2:00 – 3:00 ET. Additional information can be obtained by emailing the WG Co-Chairs, Rick Erickson and Crystal Ayco.
Achieve Public Safety Grade GIS Data
Our recommended steps involve assessing, improving, maintaining, and sharing your GIS data to fulfill its mission critical role in current and future 9-1-1 systems. These steps are also important in enabling 9-1-1 calls to spatially route to the appropriate Emergency Communications Center (ECC) in a NG9-1-1 environment.
Learn more about our proven process!