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Registration is now open for NENA's NG9-1-1 Standards & Best Practices Conference! Click here to register and here to book your housing!

Learn, Collaborate, & Contribute at the NG9-1-1 Standards & Best Practices Conference!
#NENASBP (January 15-18, 2024 at the Hilton Clearwater in Clearwater, FL) is a conference unlike any other. It is an interactive, informative, attendee-driven event where you not only learn about the evolution of 9-1-1, but also create the guidelines, resources, and documents that enable NG services, systems, and PSAPs to reach their full potential.

With your peers from across the 9-1-1 industry, you’ll discuss and work to address the most pressing issues facing 9-1-1, including: recruitment, hiring, and retention; GIS and NG-data needs; location services and accuracy; culture; interoperability; telecommunicator SOPs; real-time text; transition planning; cybersecurity; multimedia messaging and accessibility; training; wellness and resiliency; the evolution of 9-1-1 center supervision and management; and more!

No other event provides you with the opportunity to shape the future of 9-1-1 and impact public safety for decades to come! Don’t miss your chance to be part of it! 

Click here to learn more about #NENASBP. 

US Digital Designs
Training Update
Ready or Not: Developing & Embracing a Preparedness Mindset
Wednesday, September 27 | 3PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
FREE for NENA MembersClick here to register!

Adequate preparation is essential to meeting the demands of working in 9-1-1. But when we’re so busy dealing with our busy jobs and hectic personal lives, taking the time to sit down and prepare for the future can seem impossible. However, with the right mindset, skills, and knowledge, successful preparation is achievable! By adapting the five steps to emergency management, this webinar explains the essential elements of physical, emotional, and mental preparedness, as well as how they correlate to all aspects of your personal and professional life. Attend to learn: 

  • What preparedness looks like and where preparedness begins;
  • The effects and benefits of preparedness; and
  • Your role in owning preparedness and accountability.

Can't attend on the 27th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Presenter: JaCorey Glaude, ENP – Member, NENA Education Advisory Board

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the twelve-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.

Questions? Contact Lisa Fulton with the NENA Education team.

Women in 9-1-1 Webinar Series: Wellness in 9-1-1 – It Is Possible!
Thursday, September 28 | 3PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
Free! Click here to register!

What does wellness mean to you? The word tends to be defined or thought of differently by everyone. Is it mental, physical, emotional, nutritional, or something completely different? So, if everyone has a different idea of what wellness looks like, then how do we succeed at being well—and how does being well help us succeed?

Join us for a roundtable discussion with three subject matter experts on 9-1-1 wellness and how putting your wellness first will help you not only professionally, but also personally.

Can't attend on the 28th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Presenters: Laurie Anderson, ENP – NENA Immediate Past President | Roxanne VanGundy ENP – Lyon County Emergency Communications Center| Ryan Chambers – Denise Amber Lee Foundation | Ashley Warner – NCNENA Wellness & Peer Support Team

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the twelve-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.

09.26.23 | (3-day course) Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Cedar Rapids, IA | Register
09.28.23 | Leadership in the 9-1-1 Center | ILO* | Register
10.02.23 | (5-day course) Center Manager Certification Program (CMCP) | Riverside, CA | Register
10.06.23 | Addressing for NG9-1-1 | Durango, CO | Register
10.09.23 | Tactical Dispatch: Advanced Tactics | Southaven, MS | Register
10.10.23 | (3-day course) 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | Hays, KS | Register
10.12.23 | 9-1-1 Center Culture | Holbrook, MA | Register
10.19.23 | Preventing Telecommunicator Tunnel Vision | ILO* | Register
10.23.23 | (3-day course) Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Parma, OH | Register
10.24.23 | Advanced Police Dispatching | Middletown, CT | Register
10.25.23 | Advanced Police Dispatching | Middletown, CT | Register
11.01.23 | (3-day course) 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | Steelton, PA | Register

*ILO stands for Instructor-Led Online

Visit the NENA Education Calendar to see additional upcoming classes in your area and online! 

Association Business

NENA is pleased to open the nominations process for our 2024-25 Board of Directors election! This election will be for the following positions:

  • Second Vice President
  • Southeastern Region Director
  • Western Region Director
  • Private Sector Director
Click here to download a .zip file of documents and resources that includes:

Statement of Responsibilities – Must be signed by nominee and co-signed by an agency representative (if applicable)

  • Nomination Form – Can be completed by the applying candidate or by a third-party nominator
  • Relevant NENA polices and procedures
  • NENA's bylaws

 Click here to fill out your board nomination form online. A paper form is available in the .zip file of documents and resources.

The nomination deadline is October 1, 2023 at 5PM Eastern. Contact the Elections Committee with any questions about the nomination process, eligibility requirements, or general election details. 

NENA seeks applications to join the NENA staff as the association's Training Coordinator. The Training Coordinator is responsible for providing administrative support to the association's education and training team. This role is a full-time position. 

Position Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for coordinating in-person and online courses
  • Oversee training calendars and schedules.
  • Set up course registrations and provides course flyers to host agencies.
  • Manually compile and analyze course evaluations. Prepare and distribute summary report and course certificates.
  • Oversee the course and student databases. 
  • Send out training course invoices.                                                                   
  • Point of contact for training courses, NENA webinars, educational events, and ENP certification. 
  • Responsible for event planning for in-person educational summits
  • Assist with instructor in-service events and Education and Advisory Board (EAB) Face-to-Face event. 
  • Attend the National Conference and provide information at the NENA booth. 
  • Attend Education and Advisory Board (EAB) and National Institute Board (NIB) monthly calls.
  • Assist with overseeing the Emergency Number Professional (ENP) certification process. 
  • Serve as the main point of contact for scholarship recipients.
  • Other duties as assigned.


Click here to learn more and apply. The application window is open until the position is filled or October 20, whichever is sooner.  

NENA: The 9-1-1 Association is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, political affiliation, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, or any other characteristic prohibited by law or by the NENA Ethics Policy. 

Document Announcements

NENA is pleased to announce the publication of the NENA Information Document for GIS Data Stewardship for Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1), Version 2. The document provides guidance to aid the development of complete, accurate, and current GIS data layers to be used within NG9-1-1 systems.

Thank you to those involved in the GIS Data Stewardship for NG9-1-1 Emergency Service Boundaries and Road Centerlines Working Groups for the hard work committed to the success of the document.

The NENA Public Safety Communications & Railroad Interaction Standard Operating Procedures provide guidance to PSAPs and railroad control centers on best practices when interacting with each other on emergency incidents that involve railroads or railroad assets.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Edit icon drop-down menu. All others may download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Document Actions icon drop-down menu

Please complete all requested data and click Save or, if submitting multiple comments, click Save and Add Another. If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each (ex. Page 22, Line 761: Correct moist to most). If the correction is within a table, please provide the table name and page number of the error and your recommended change.

All comments are due by September 25, 2023. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns. 

The NENA Standard for 9-1-1/988 Interactions provides recommendations and best practices to help callers who are experiencing mental health crises. It outlines operational and technical considerations for ECCs/PSAPs to establish an effective working relationship with the 988 community.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Edit icon drop-down menu. All others may download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting Add a Comment from the Document Actions icon drop-down menu.

Please complete all requested data and click Save or, if submitting multiple comments, click Save and Add Another. If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each (ex. Page 22, Line 761: Correct moist to most). If the correction is within a table, please provide the table name and page number of the error and your recommended change.

All comments are due by October 9, 2023. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns. 

Download Carbyne's Disaster Preparedness Guide
Carbyne, Inc.®
Disasters happen, but within your PSAP, failure is not an option. This Disaster Preparedness Guide will help you develop a plan on how to handle potential crises like a natural disaster, human caused events or tech issues. Creating a well-defined  emergency response protocol is essential.  Download the guide today for key tips on how to keep your PSAP going without loss of service during catastrophic events.
Learn more
Washington Briefing

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched its inaugural State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) last year, with an allocation of $185 million for fiscal year 2022. This year, an increased funding provision of $374.9 million has been announced for fiscal year 2023. As it enters its second year, the SLCGP is uniquely designed for state governments, although local and territorial entities are urged to work with their state counterparts to benefit from the available funds.

Cyberattacks pose one of the greatest threats to the nation and EMS and 9-1-1 agencies are particularly susceptible to these attacks. EMS agencies collect and store personal identifiable information, making them vulnerable to sensitive information theft. As 9-1-1 PSAPs are the critical link to deploying emergency response personnel, they are at risk of cyberattacks geared to impede the delivery of their essential services. EMS and 9-1-1 leadership are strongly encouraged to collaborate with their state offices to leverage this funding opportunity.

Click here to learn more. 

The SAFECOM program, in collaboration with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), is conducting the SAFECOM Nationwide Survey (SNS) to gauge the needs, capabilities, and gaps in our country's emergency communications landscape. If you or your organization is a stakeholder in public safety communications, your participation is invaluable for achieving the following goals:

  • Providing actionable data on the current and future state of public safety communications operability, interoperability and continuity, ensuring a secure and resilient America.
  • Influencing policy and funding decisions to support emergency communications, programs and services, by informing key decision-makers and government officials of what is needed.
  • Driving capability improvements nationwide by spotlighting progress, sharing best practices and identifying areas for enhancement based on evidence-based guidance and resources.

The deadline for participating in the survey is September 29, 2023.

Click here to take the survey. 

Advanced NG-911 and P25 Recording Solutions
Eventide Inc®
Eventide’s NexLog DX-series recording solutions are the most reliable, comprehensive, and easy to use recording products for NG-911, P25 and other critical communications.  NexLog DX-series recorders are highly secure and integrate with many PSAP systems including RapidSOS, RapidDeploy, ProQA, CAD and NG-911.  The NexLog DX-Series recording software is 100% designed, developed, and supported by Eventide in the USA. 
Learn More
Volunteers Wanted

NENA seeks volunteers from diverse backgrounds in technology, PSAP operations, and general interest stakeholders for a NENA/APCO Joint Working Group focused on the review of, and possible revision of, the Minimum Training Standard for TTY/TDD Use in the Public Safety Communications Center.

Membership in APCO or NENA is not a requirement to participate, however, due to the nature of the JWG status, the number of participants is limited to no more than fifteen voting members per organization.

The first responsibility of the JWG will be to determine whether the document needs a revision or can be reaffirmed; and to develop a revised Charter outlining the recommendation for approval by the NENA Development Steering Council (DSC) and the APCO Standards Development Committee (SDC). The recommendation will be facilitated by the JWG members.

Meetings will be held the 2nd Tuesday and the 4th Wednesday of each month with the first meeting anticipated for October 2023.

Click here to volunteer!

Achieve Public Safety Grade GIS Data
Our recommended steps involve assessing, improving, maintaining, and sharing your GIS data to fulfill its mission critical role in current and future 9-1-1 systems. These steps are also important in enabling 9-1-1 calls to spatially route to the appropriate Emergency Communications Center (ECC) in a NG9-1-1 environment.
Learn more about our proven process!