Help Shape the Future of Professional Development within Higher Ed Procurement

Volunteer with NAEP

As higher education procurement continues to change, the professional development provided through NAEP must remain current, relevant and available when needed for all members. In support of this need, we want member input and invite you to volunteer for the Education Committee, formerly Professional Development Committee.

New volunteer opportunity in 2019
The Education Committee (EC)’s primary charge is the strategic direction of delivering relevant, quality and diverse educational opportunities in higher education procurement and related subjects across a variety of educational platforms and modern delivery models. The EC provides long-term education goals and objectives that connect with the strategic plan.
As a member of NAEP's Education Committee, you will make a difference!
We want a diverse and inclusive set of volunteers, which match the skills and interest described in the Education Committee Charter to act as strategic advisors. The committee call for volunteers application includes your experience, education and how you are qualified to contribute to the EC to meet the committee’s strategic goals and objectives. As a member, you shall serve for a 10-month term. In order to support diversity and inclusion efforts, you may volunteer for subsequent years, but shall not serve more than three consecutive 10 month terms.

How can I be considered for the Education Committee?
If you would like to volunteer for the EC, complete and submit the Call for Volunteers on NAEP's website. The 2019 Call for Volunteers will be open from June 24th through July 15th. Members will be notified by Friday, July 26th.

Contact Melanie Freeman, Director, Education & Events via email or at 443.219.3614