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Featured Webinar: Fuel Member Engagement with Feedback - How to Listen at Scale

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 12 p.m. Eastern

About the Webinar: We send our members email with lots of good content. Our members hear us talking. And they''re somewhat engaged. But there''s more we can do. We''ve got the talking part down. Let''s start listening better. Join us in this webinar where we''ll discuss how to listen at scale, what to ask, when to ask, and how to ask your members questions in a way that gets them talking and more engaged.

About the Speaker: While working for SAP, a multi-billion dollar software company, nearly 20 years ago, Dave Will was advised to "walk faster and smile less, because perception is reality." Dave took this feedback to heart and started a business based on the antithesis of this advice. Fourteen years later, Dave successfully sold Peach New Media, an LMS for associations, which is now part of Community Brands. Since then, Dave and former Peach, Cameron Aubuchon, built a Feedback Automation Platform called PropFuel and they're here again to help associations improve member engagement and build a stronger relationships through conversation marketing.

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