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2021 Virtual Annual Meeting

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NE/SAE's 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting is the premier conference for association executives and association professionals in New England - and beyond! We hope you'll join us for 2+ days of education, networking, and virtual exhibits - all delivered to your home or office. Click on the button below for additional information and to register today! 


Thursday, June 3rd | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM 
Virtual Networking Events & Awards Celebration

Thursday, June 10th | 10:45 AM - 4:15 PM 
Educational Programming 

Friday, June 11th | 9:00 AM - 1:15 PM 
Educational Programming 


Build a Momentum Mindset: How to Rock Change, Boost
Resilience and Re-emerge Stronger and Better Than Before

Enable Meaningful Human Connections
with Networking Events of the Future

Strategic Planning Using Strengths-Based Thinking

Culture is Key

Looking Ahead - Legal Issues for Events 

What is a Hybrid Event? Finding the "Right”
Fit for Your Association

Standing in Line with Tickets for the Ride of Our Careers

... and more to be announced!



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