Trending Articles from Associations Now

We've rounded up a few of our favorite recently-trending articles featured in ASAE's Associations Now from the past few weeks. These articles originally appeared on

Scenario Planning Provides a Framework for Associations to Pivot

We heard a lot about how quickly associations made hard pivots to perform during the pandemic. What if getting there didn’t have to be so hard? Experts suggest using scenario planning to create a strong underpinning that allows your association to be nimble in uncertain times. READ MORE.

Create A Culture of Feedback at Your Organization

The School Nutrition Association is moving toward a culture of feedback. By taking steps to help employees communicate better, the group hopes to increase innovation, revenue opportunities, and member engagement. READ MORE. 

Membership Pro Tip: Keep it Simple

Communicating directly—and personally—with members is a great way to highlight new resources and other benefits without sounding like a sales pitch. READ MORE.

Let’s Rethink the Virtual Exhibit Hall

Virtual meetings don’t feel the same as their in-person equivalents, especially in the exhibit hall. But that may reflect an opportunity to reshape the event experience for vendors and exhibitors entirely. READ MORE.