USFA Releases Civilian Fire Fatalities in Residential Buildings Report

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) issued a special report recently examining the characteristics of civilian fire fatalities in residential buildings. The report, Civilian Fire Fatalities in Residential Buildings, was developed by USFA's National Fire Data Center and is based on 2007 to 2009 data from the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS).

According to the report:


Fires that affect our homes are often the most tragic and the most preventable. This September, as our nation marks the 10-year anniversary of September 11 and the eighth annual observance of National Preparedness Month, FEMA encourages all Americans to prepare for emergencies – including home fire emergencies.

"By preparing for a home fire emergency, you can greatly reduce your chances of becoming a fire casualty," said Deputy U.S. Fire Administrator Glenn Gaines. "Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, test them once a month, change the batteries at least once a year, and make and practice a home fire escape plan."


Civilian Fire Fatalities in Residential Buildings is part of the Topical Fire Report Series. Topical reports explore facets of the U.S. fire problem as depicted through data collected in NFIRS. Each topical report briefly addresses the nature of the specific fire or fire-related topic, highlights important findings from the data, and may suggest other resources to consider for further information. Also included are recent examples of fire incidents that demonstrate some of the issues addressed in the report or that put the report topic in context.


For further information regarding other topical reports or any programs and training available at the U.S. Fire Administration, click here.



New York State Association of Fire Chiefs