Ensure Continued Delivery of the NYSAFC Bugle Every Month!

The New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NYSAFC) has partnered with Naylor, LLC for the distribution and ad sales for The NYSAFC Bugle e-newsletter. To ensure receipt of The NYSAFC Bugle and to avoid any difficulty with emails getting caught in your spam filters, it may be necessary to add Naylor as a safe sender to your contacts.

What Is a Safe Sender?
Safe senders are people or organizations that regularly email large lists of addresses with non-spam material, such as newsletters or other digital publications.

How Do I Add Naylor as a Safe Sender?
Simply add Naylor's email address – newsletter@mail.naylorcampaign3.com – to your safe sender list or online contacts/addresses. You can do this by going into your email program and adding Naylor’s address to your contact list.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs