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Naylor, LLC

Corna Kokosing Honored Nationally for Safety Program

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Corna Kokosing Construction Company won the coveted 14th Annual AGC/Willis Construction Safety Excellence Award. Corna Kokosing undertook a thorough process to receive the national distinction that included a written application, a presentation and a 10-minute question-and-answer session at the AGC’s national convention.

“Corna Kokosing is proud to be recognized with this prestigious award, and we will continue to maintain a focus on safety and a commitment to high-quality work,” said Mark Corna, president of Corna Kokosing Construction Company. "We work in a hazardous industry, and the only way to reduce incidents is for all Corna Kokosing associates to identify hazards and plan safety into the work process.”

The Columbus-based business also earned the AGC of Ohio Construction Safety Excellence Award for the third straight year.

Corna Kokosing encourages every team member to practice safe habits both on the job and at home. The process begins with a comprehensive employee orientation where every new associate is given a copy of the book “Safety 24/7.” Corna Kokosing associates participate in daily stretching activities at all jobsites, even in the company headquarters, because research has proven this technique helps minimize soft tissue injuries.

“Our company’s safety program has changed from a rules-based mindset, to a lifestyle change," said Eric Riehl, vice president of Corna Kokosing and member of its Safety Committee.

Corna Kokosing has always placed safety at the forefront of operations, but in 2009, the company rededicated itself to the cause, educating its entire workforce to develop a culture of safety with the “24/7” approach. This approach places an emphasis on the safety of individuals and values associates as the company’s greatest asset. Implementation of the “24/7” approach has reduced injuries on Corna Kokosing projects and empowered associates to truly identify and eliminate unsafe activities.

About Corna Kokosing Construction Company
Led by Mark Corna, Corna Kokosing Construction Company, a division of The Kokosing Group is a full-service construction manager/general contractor specializing in health care, education, manufacturing, office and retail markets. The Kokosing Group employs more than 3,000 associates throughout central Ohio, with annual revenues of $800 million.


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