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MSA - The Safety Company

Bringing Workers (Back) Up to Speed: Hazards for New and Returning Construction Workers

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More job openings in construction mean more risk of workplace safety issues

As the United States’ economy continues toward recovery, the good news is that the construction industry has seen job growth in every major category over the last two to three years. The not-so-good news is that demand for jobs is not necessarily being met with experienced workers. With a key group of workers aging out of the industry due to retirement or injury, combined with the return of workers who took other employment when construction work was scarce, a shortage of qualified workers is the next issue to face. Workers who are not up-to-date on the latest safety practices are more likely to become injured, which of course depletes the number of men and women available to work even further. To combat the shortage and safety learning gap, Miron Construction Co., Inc., an AGC of Wisconsin and AGC of Greater Milwaukee member, has emphasized teaching onsite safety to those who are new or returning to the field.

While some balk at the cost of training workers, safety is a key driver for successful projects. Effective orientation and training is ultimately the best way to prevent accidents, and the best way to ensure that all workers—no matter what their job status—are prepared to work effectively. It is assumed that those entering the industry lack the expertise of workers with more years under their belts, but it is dangerous to assume that anyone who has ever worked in construction will automatically be an expert in safety. Working in construction is not like riding a bike; best practices in safety are not something that immediately flood back to workers after time away. Safety issues evolve and it benefits all workers to review them on a continual basis.

Aside from team leaders, veteran workers play an important role in the orientation or reorientation of workers as well. Teams encouraged to lead by example with demonstrating safe practices reinforce topics discussed with new workers. By being mindful of the training required specific to the project at hand, safety education is an ongoing part of any workday on a construction site. Observing and assessing can be an excellent way to discover what areas workers need training in. Brand new workers obviously need to start with the basics, but a refresher on the basics doesn’t hurt those coming back after a construction hiatus either, especially in regard to updates on new practices, methodologies or technologies being used.

Every worker onsite has the opportunity, and responsibility, to be a mentor to new or returning workers, whether it’s through a dedicated program or simply in day-to-day practice. New workers must be adequately supervised, but it’s also important to make additional training and orientation a priority whenever hazards or conditions change onsite. Topics that may seem intuitive to those who have spent years working in construction may not be top of mind for those new to the industry. Fall protection, ladder and scaffolding safety and the inspection of ladders and fall protection equipment should be addressed, as should the limits, proper storage, maintenance and inspection of personal protective equipment. Reviewing procedures for different equipment, including types of lockout and extension cord inspection and grounding procedures, as well as safe distances from exposed power lines is imperative. Understanding labels and knowing locations of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and how to use them could very well save lives in an emergency situation.

The benefit of safety training for new and returning workers, aside from the growth of qualified craftworkers, is that these lessons are reiterated for the entire crew. The safety of workers is, and should be, a top concern at all levels of construction management. By continually educating new employees and having realistic expectations of the workplace environment, we protect our investment in our jobsites and in our biggest investment—our workers.

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