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Tocci Promotes Health & Wellness on the Jobsite

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Tocci Building Companies, an AGC of Massachusetts member and a Boston-area construction management company and program management company, recently hosted well-known physical therapist and Peoplefit gym owner, Pat Agostino, at one of its large multifamily development projects. Tocci understands the close link between Safety and Wellness. Agostino addressed members of Tocci’s team and gave his insight into overall health for men, and how construction professionals can maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle both on and off the jobsite.

Tocci regularly schedules safety meetings along with wellness initiatives to ensure all team members are healthy and happy.

During Agostino’s discussion with Tocci field staff and trade partners, he covered issues from physical health to mental and emotional health, and methods for improving overall well-being. Notably, Agostino explained the stressors many construction professionals may face from work and family life, which can affect a person’s overall health. He provided tips for small changes you can make in your lifestyle to improve health in the long term, including interval training, which promotes artery elasticity and helps prevent cardiac injury. He also mentioned that moderate strength training, as little as two times-per-week, can greatly improve a person’s long term health. 

"Pat gave us excellent insight into how simple and important it is to manage our health through diet and exercise, which directly supports our company culture and priorities about employee safety and happiness," said Chuck Rosenthall, Safety Director at Tocci. "Tocci understands that the workplace is an important arena for health campaigns of many kinds, and we encourage our employees to participate in basic occupational health and safety programs. As Pat mentioned, health and wellness directly correlates to our mood, our work performance, and our livelihood. We owe it to ourselves and our families to keep our health and vitality." 

In addition to inviting professionals to speak about health and wellness on jobsites, Tocci has made it a priority and taken additional steps to promote this focus within its own walls. Personal trainers visit the company’s headquarters each week, yoga classes are offered quarterly, and lunch and learn sessions with a focus on stress reduction are offered sporadically. Tocci also organizes company Fitbit challenges throughout the year encouraging employees to walk more. Last summer Tocci employees logged enough steps to walk from Boston to California. 

Tocci Building Companies, a leading construction and project management firm, specializes in Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Highly Collaborative Project Delivery (HCPDSM), and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). Tocci was an early adopter of VDC in the Northeast and in 2006 committed to use it on all projects. In 2008, Tocci built the first IPD project in the Northeast and is now doing IPD across the country.

Tocci provides BIM-enabled building solutions and construction services with a sustainable approach and emphasis on lean construction. Headquartered in Woburn, MA, Tocci has a long history of design/build and highly collaborative delivery in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic United States. For more information visit www.tocci.com.


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