When a large number of devices were available with similar characteristics, devices were chosen that demonstrate distinct features identified by an advisory panel of experts. User testing was recently completed with residential construction workers, safety personnel, trainers, and contractors. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive; most users reported that the website increased their awareness of fall prevention devices and may impact future use of fall protection. The website will be linked to websites of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, National Fall Prevention Campaign, and OSHA, in addition to other national and regional agencies and organizations. Website development was supported by the Center for Construction Research and Training through the National Institute of Occupational Safety cooperative agreement OH009762.
Please visit the website at
http://www.ot.wustl.edu/fptech/homepage.htm. After spending some time on the website, complete the short web-based survey to help evaluate the effectiveness of this online resource. Then pass along the link in your communications with colleagues!