WEBINAR: Toxic Employees and Bullies; What are They Costing You?
February 25, 2016 
2 - 3 p.m. Eastern

Retention of your best employees is especially crucial in today’s recruitment climate. When one of them leaves, there is no guarantee you can replace them in a timely manner. The number one reason employees say they began thinking of leaving their position is "disrespect." Bullying tactics are the height of disrespect. Retaining toxic employees and bullies has a number of costs; one of them is the loss of positive, ethical employees. Bullies target these individuals because they speak up and promote positive change. The other is lost productivity. Sign up for our webinar "Toxic Employees and Bullies; what are they costing you?" and learn more about why companies put up with the manipulation, abuse and intimidation tactics commonly used by toxic employees. Learn why supervisors and human resources don't DO something about it? Workplace power dynamics are complicated. Learn how they get a foothold and how supervisors and others are neutralized. The solution is to define a positive culture and begin to shift the workplace. These negative employees can be terminated but it will take some preparation and a strategic approach.