McCarthy Supports National Efforts to Heighten Construction Safety Awareness in May

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., a member of multiple AGC chapters, participated in two events to help bring greater attention to improving jobsite safety: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) National Safety Stand-Down and Safety Week 2018.

The OSHA National Safety Stand-Down was established to raise fall hazard awareness across the country in an effort to stop fall fatalities and injuries. According to OSHA, falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of injury for construction employees. Throughout the first full week in May, McCarthy jobsites and offices from coast to coast held safety stand downs in addition to the firm’s regularly planned safety meetings. Further, OSHA  selected the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF) project, currently under construction by the team of McCarthy and Mortenson Construction in Manhattan, Kan., as a featured project visited during the week. National and regional OSHA representatives joined the project team for a safety stand down and tour. 

"Safety is more than a program at McCarthy – it’s deeply embedded into our culture," explains Michael Bolen, McCarthy chairman and CEO . "Our total project approach includes working to improve safety not only for our own employees and crews, but for trade partners, other general contractors and the industry as a whole. We’re honored that OSHA has decided to join our team for a safety stand down at the NBAF project, whose mission is centered around safety at its core."

Along with participating in the OSHA National Safety Stand-Down, McCarthy also sponsored Safety Week 2018. Created to collectively raise the awareness of the construction industry’s continuing commitment to eliminating worker injury, Safety Week brings together the construction industry the first week of May and throughout the year to keep safety top of mind.

"In 2017, McCarthy reported the best safety year in our company’s 154-year history with the firm’s lowest recordable incident rate and total project recordable incident rates," continues Bolen. "But we can never lose focus. Nothing is more important than sending every team member home safely – every day on every project. Raising awareness through Safety Week events and ongoing communication across our industry is where this starts. We’re proud to join with the industry in this effort."

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. is the oldest privately held national construction company in the country – with more than 150 years spent collaborating with partners to solve complex building challenges on behalf of its clients. With an unrelenting focus on safety and a comprehensive quality program that spans all phases of every project, McCarthy utilizes industry-leading design phase and construction techniques combined with advanced technology to maximize outcomes. With approximately 3,950 salaried employees and craft professionals, the firm has offices in St. Louis; Atlanta; Kansas City, Kan.; Omaha, Neb.; Phoenix; Las Vegas; Denver; Dallas, Houston; San Diego, Newport Beach, San Francisco, San Jose and Sacramento, Calif. McCarthy is 100 percent employee-owned. More information about the company is available online at or by following the company on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Google+.