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Yesterday, the City of Pittsburgh declared May 3, 2016 to be "Harness Hero Day!"

Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry. In 2014, over 300 construction workers died as a result of a fall at work. These deaths were preventable with the proper use of fall prevention and fall protection. 

The Master Builders’ Association (MBA) worked with Simcoach Games to bring fall protection training to the modern day and created an app to train anyone with a smartphone or tablet. Titled Harness Hero, it’s not just a game but an innovative approach to saving lives in the construction industry. This gaming app will enhance the way construction companies deliver fall protection training (http://www.mbawpa.org/games.asp).

The timing of the Harness Hero declaration by City Councilman Daniel Gilman is perfect in that the industry is currently in the midst of OSHA’s National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction Week. The purpose of the May 2-6 Stand-Down Week is to raise awareness of preventing fall hazards in construction.

"The City of Pittsburgh has built a reputation for forging strong partnerships across all sectors, and the launch of Harness Hero exemplifies the power of collaboration between the business community and the city’s booming technology sector to keep employees safe," said Councilman Gilman. 

"It’s exciting to see the construction industry benefiting from our region’s strong technology sector to create a safety training app that can save lives," said Jack Ramage, executive director for MBA. "Pittsburgh has always been a pioneer when it comes to construction safety and now we’re utilizing advancements in technology to train professionals to be safer on the jobsite."  

To become a Harness Hero, search "Harness Hero" in your mobile device's application store.

Since 1886, MBA contractors have set the standard in Western PA for construction excellence by investing in a skilled workforce, implementing award-winning safety programs, and offering the best in management expertise. The MBA is the western PA’s building chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America. For more information on the MBA, please call 412-922-3912 or visit www.mbawpa.org.
Third Annual National Safety Stand Down 
May 2-6, 2016

OSHA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the Center for Construction Research and Training will hold the third annual National Safety Stand-Down May 2-6, 2016, to raise awareness of the serious risk of falls in the workplace. Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry, and lack of proper fall protection remains the most frequently cited violation by OSHA. More than 4 million workers have participated in the last two years, dedicating themselves to on-the-job safety. This year the stand-down will highlight the safe use of ladders and encourage employers to pause during their workday for topic talks, demonstrations and training on how to prevent falls. For more information on the success of last year's stand-down, see the final data report. Visit the 2016 National Safety Stand-Down webpage for more updates.
Advanced Safety Training Management Course
June 1-3, 2016

Arlington, Virginia
The AGC Advanced Safety Management Training Course (ASMTC) provides attendees three days of training on the basic skills needed to manage a company safety program in the construction industry. The program builds on Focus Four training and prepares attendees to manage key safety issues on the job site and provides techniques for delivering basic safety training to field personnel. Participants will receive intensive instruction and training that will allow them to return to their firms with readily applicable new skills to positively impact their company’s safety and health program. Click here to register.
AGC Safety & Health Conference
July 27-29, 2016
Washington, D.C.
Please join other construction safety professionals on July 27 – 29, 2016, in Washington, DC and participate in the development of regulatory and legislative activity on both the national and local level, assist in the development and creation of new safety training programs and products and hear the latest initiatives from OSHA and other industry experts.

Participants will:
  • Receive the latest updates to regulations and OSHA activities
  • Receive the latest updates on congressional activities directly affecting construction safety and health.
  • Participate on subcommittee and taskforce meetings on DOD, Utility Infrastructure, Highway & Transportation and more.
  • Take an active role in improving safety and health in the construction industry.
  • Attend social events hosted by the sponsors and AGC and interact with other attendees.
Register now.
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Chapter News
In New Jersey in 2013 (the most recent year for recorded data), 102 workers lost their lives in workplace incidents. Of those, 15 were in construction, the same rate as the year before. It’s 15 too many, and construction remains one of the most dangerous occupations in America and in the state.

The contractor members of the Associated Construction Contractors of New Jersey and the union craftworkers they employ recognize the danger. The contractors spend millions of dollars every year on safety training. Their employees spend thousands of hours every year in safety classes and on-the-job safety review.

"The number one focus of our contractor members is safety," stated Jack Kocsis, Jr., chief executive officer of ACCNJ. "No amount of training and review is too much. Our contractors want every single worker on every single jobsite to go home safe to their families every single night."

On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, ACCNJ, its member companies and labor partners will join forces for a special, coordinated emphasis on safety at New Jersey construction sites across the state. The goals are two-fold:
  • Raise public awareness of the dangers that exist for construction workers as they build roads and structures
  • Refocus the attention of workers on the key elements of staying safe while on the job
Safety Day 2016, featuring comprehensive training demonstrations involving hundreds of union construction craftworkers, will place particular emphasis on the four leading causes of injury and fatality on jobsites, as determined by OSHA: falls, struck-bys, electrocutions and caught-in/betweens.

ACCNJ will also highlight the substantial investment in safety training and education made by our union contractor members and craftworkers of the basic trades construction unions (bricklayers, carpenters, ironworkers, building and heavy/highway laborers and operating engineers). Collectively, they invested more than $20 million last year in safety training and education programs. This joint effort benefited more than 12,000 workers.

ACCNJ represents union general building contractors, construction managers, and heavy, highway, site development and utility contractors in New Jersey. Members are responsible for billions of dollars in commercial, industrial, heavy, highway, utility and institutional construction projects annually and employ tens of thousands of skilled union craftworkers statewide. The Association is committed to raising the standards of construction in New Jersey through quality, integrity, skill and responsibility.
Best Practices


More than 20 years ago, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a rule defining confined spaces and safety precautions for workers in those spaces in industrial settings. In August 2015, OSHA issued a standard that’s specific to confined spaces in construction.

Although the standard has been in development since the 1990s, many contractors were not completely prepared for the differences between the two rules. The state of compliance is a "work in progress," according to Dennis Dougherty, president and CEO of Med-Tex Services, a Philadelphia Builders Chapter and Contractors Association of Eastern Pennsylvania member.

"Contractors who are safety-conscious or those who performed construction work in industrial settings were following industrial guidelines so there was no sense of urgency to adjust their processes to meet the new standard."

While many of the requirements are similar, there are a few significant differences that reflect the constantly evolving, complex nature of a construction site that often involves several different trades working in and around confined spaces at the same time. "The standard clarifies roles, responsibilities and precautions, and sets a higher bar for confined space safety on a construction site," says Mike Ziskin, president of Field Safety Corporation, an AGC of Connecticut member. The construction-specific rule emphasizes hazard and risk assessment, detailed planning for normal entry and rescue operations, training, continuous worksite evaluations and communications requirements among multiple employers and trades to protect workers’ safety.

"We were prepared for the rule because we do a lot of work in general industry and followed those guidelines on all of our construction sites," says Kim Esposito, risk manager at HSC Builders & Construction Managers, a Philadelphia Builders Chapter and Delaware Contractors Association member. The challenge is the expanded definition of confined space specific to general construction and the additional precautions, she says. "For example, an open elevator pit now requires atmospheric monitoring."

Educating owners about the changes in the rule is an ongoing process but Bill Reis, safety director at Belcher Roofing Corp., a Philadelphia Builders Chapter member, appreciates the new rule – it makes his job easier, he says. "For example, my company has followed the general industry confined space guidelines even on construction sites. I would conduct a pre-job analysis and tell the owner that there were confined spaces, which would increase costs for additional employees, testing and monitoring, training and rescue services," he explains. "I was told that contractors before me never classified the spaces as permit-required confined spaces (PRCSs), and they did not understand why I did." Now, that OSHA has a construction-specific rule, Reis can point to the regulation and explain that there is no choice now.

"OSHA took advantage of technology developed after implementation of the general industry confined space rule by requiring continuous atmospheric testing and continuous engulfment monitoring of confined spaces," explains Ziskin. Because the technology exists now, contractors are expected to use it to protect workers, he says. "The challenge with this requirement is ensuring there is early warning to detect changes in the confined space environment and prompt decisive action to remove potentially endangered entrants," he adds.

Employers are required to evaluate a rescue team's capability and availability to perform a timely rescue for employees working in confined spaces. Photo courtesy of Med-Tex Services


1. New roles and responsibilities

Because a construction site typically has many employers and trades without a history of confined spaces and their related hazards than an industrial site, the construction-specific rule addresses the need for all employers on the site to communicate with each other about the location and risks of confined spaces.

Terms such as host employer, controlling contractor and entry employer reflect the complexity of multiple employers onsite. "Although the responsibility for scheduling work often falls to the general contractor, all subcontractors are responsible for making sure their employees are aware of the confined space locations and the potential impact their work can have on them – even if their workers do not enter those spaces," explains Dougherty. "Everyone on the jobsite is responsible for safety in and around confined spaces, and for communicating with all other contractors."

The rule also identifies the need for a competent person to evaluate confined spaces. The competent person must assess a confined space, in accordance with other provisions of this final rule, for hazards and the necessary protection measures. This includes communication, early hazard warning systems and atmospheric monitoring needs to keep employees safe. If the space is determined to be a PRCS, a written program outlining the training and responsibilities of attendants, entrants and entry supervisors as well as detailed rescue procedures needs to be developed.

Crawl spaces, utility shafts and other unique spaces are frequently encountered during renovation work. Photo courtesy of Med-tex Services

2. Confined space training required for all employees

While more extensive training is required for supervisors and employees who enter confined spaces or serve as entry attendants, all employees on a jobsite must undergo hazard awareness training when PRCSs are identified, says Esposito.

"Even if a worker is only onsite for 30 minutes, they must go through a safety orientation that includes confined space information."

Remember, too, that a construction site may have more than one confined space, which means safety precautions in and around those spaces may differ, points out Esposito. "Just as the safety plan for each space is different, so is the awareness training," she says. To make sure people are working in areas for which they’ve been trained properly, Esposito’s company issues hardhat stickers that indicate they’ve received the appropriate training. "On sites with multiple PRCSs, we issue different color stickers for each confined space."

3. Proactive rescue plans required

"In general, most contractors do not plan rescues to the extent necessary," says Ziskin. Now, the safety plans for each confined space must address rescue procedures, and calling "911" is not adequate, he adds. "We may see more contractors train their own employees to be better prepared to handle some level of rescue, but that approach may not be effective in many situations, and proactive arrangements with rescue services are required."

Although a supervisor or other employee (entry attendant) can be trained to use equipment such as a tripod for non-entry rescue, there are situations for which trained rescue personnel are better prepared, points out Ziskin. "For example, will the attendant know what to do if the victim gets hung up on something while being hoisted out, or what if the equipment is not appropriate for the job?" he says. "Calling local fire and rescue personnel only at the time of the emergency is also not as effective because they are not prepared or familiar with the space, the identified hazards and the specific equipment for an extraction. If the plan calls for local emergency personnel assistance, it is best to get them involved before the entry is performed."

Perhaps the greatest reason a contractor should have well-planned rescue capability prearranged for the kinds of emergencies the confined space could represent is the fact that emergency personnel may not be available in a timely manner, or may not be able to easily reach the site in time, Ziskin adds.

Ensuring compliance with the construction-specific confined space rule starts with pre-construction planning, says Esposito. "We look at confined spaces differently in our initial walk-throughs of the project, focusing on potential hazards and identifying additional safety steps that are needed," she says. "We pay close attention to those spaces as work for all trades is scheduled to make sure nothing they are doing will increase risk to employees working in those spaces."

Any change to normal routines is hard, but look at the fall protection safety requirements, says Dougherty. "They created a lot of angst when first introduced but are now commonplace – in fact, rarely anyone questions the need for them," he says. "This will also happen with the confined space requirements. After all, it is about protecting workers on our construction sites."

Member News
If the first rule of Fight Club is "Don’t talk about Fight Club," the opposite is true of any construction company’s safety program. Talking about it, every single day, says Tom Case, is a core requirement for success.

"It sounds cliché," says Case, who is the chief operating officer for Sundt Construction, a member of multiple AGC chapters, "but it starts with people — caring about people and making them feel important. We have what’s called ‘Safety by Choice.’ Do it for yourself. Do if for your co-worker. Do it for your family. And it really is about making choices and caring about one another. And I think that’s a cultural thing."

For Sundt, recently named the nation’s safest construction company at the Willis Towers Watson Construction Safety Excellence Awards (CSEA) at AGC of America’s 97th Annual Convention in San Antonio, the culture apparently runs deep. The grand award was one of two the company walked away with in March — taking first place in the Highway Division among contractors with more than a million man-hours. Chosen by a panel of five independent safety professionals from the government, corporate and insurance industries, the CSEA winners are examples to be followed.

"The [application] process is pretty thorough and comprehensive ... very well thought out," says Case. "It allows contractors to benchmark against their peers and determine where they stand. It requires you to communicate the ideals of your safety program — how you identify hazards, how you mitigate risks, how you equip people with the tools they need to be safe and successful in the work they do. I would encourage anyone and everyone who’s in the industry to go through it.

"The first reason to do it is it makes us better." 

Chuck Greco, 2015 AGC president; Sundt team members Mark Bakeman, Marco Orona, Tom Case, Paul Sprecco, Paul Levin, Travis McCarthy, Mike Hoover, and Jeff Williamson; and Mike Fredebeil, Willis Towers Watson.

And becoming better, says Paul Levin, Sundt’s director of safety and quality, means implementing an ever-evolving program. "That includes everybody in the whole organization being committed not only to working safely, but trying to improve safety every day." 

Sundt’s program, he says, enjoys the highest level of support from its leaders. "It takes day-to-day, hour-to-hour, minute-to-minute commitment in trying to plan your work ... in asking, ‘What is the worst thing that can happen? How can we do this safer?’ And ultimately, you have to ask for input from the people who are doing the work."

In fact, they are so committed to asking, they recently put the whole process in writing with something called the Climate Survey on Safety.

"It’s pretty exciting!" says Case. "We actually survey the workforce [throughout] the work — prior to, during and then at its completion. We ask 10 or 12 questions related to safety — the same questions we ask everybody on every job."

Anonymity, he adds, is an essential factor in the poll, allowing workers to be completely honest and forthright. 

"What that does is allow us into the hearts and minds of our workforce." So, too, it gives them real data points by which to understand the mindset of the men and women who show up ready to go each morning.

"Those answers become part of the things we talk about in safety meetings," Case notes. "[The information is] real and tangible and important, but also gets into some of their values and beliefs — some of what makes them tick. And if they’ll share that, you can build a lot more engagement ...," he pauses thoughtfully before adding, "... and loyalty."

Letting employees — and in the case of Sundt, employee-owners, as each one owns a piece of the company — know their company cares enough to ask how they feel, "as opposed to what they’re going to do, how many widgets they’re going to make," Case notes, goes a long way in fostering a culture where people feel comfortable going to a supervisor with a potential safety issue.

Long employed by the professionals at Caterpillar in training its own employees, Speak Up! Listen Up! has since been adapted into the culture at Sundt for its own workers. 

It’s been in place for a little more than a year. "It allows for safety timeouts," Levin explains. "If something doesn’t feel right, the employee is encouraged to say something; his supervisors [are] encouraged to listen."

This can be intimidating for an employee, yes?

"Very much so!" Case says emphatically, launching into a bit of role play. "I’m a laborer, right? Maybe I’ve only been with the company a week or a day and you’re the president. Can I approach you and call a safety timeout? And the notion is: yes. 

Anybody at any level of the organization, with any amount of tenure, can and should feel empowered to stop any activity if they feel that an unsafe condition exists." 

It’s a written principle in the safety program. But it’s easier said than done. "You have to encourage employees who think they can’t stop production and say, ‘Well, no. You can.’ And once you allow that to start, it becomes empowering and your workforce feels more engaged and a part of something, rather than just being there to do a task."

And in fact, it has worked. Employees have used their new-found power.

"And we’re rewarding them," says Case. Rather than calling them out for stopping production, Sundt looks to thank them for their commitment to everyone’s safety. It drives accountability, Case notes. And follow-through. "If we don’t, workers will say, ‘Well, we brought it up and you didn’t do anything about it.’ And they’d be right."

Living the values — creating the culture, nurturing it, following through on employee concerns — is how they forge the commitment, says Case. "We are a diverse company that does a lot of different kinds of work — vertical and horizontal and industrial construction. It’s a wonderful company with strong values and traditions."

Case believes that winning the safety award — and not for the first time; Sundt took it home in 2006 as well — is emblematic thereof.

"We have policies, but they have to be more than words on a page. More than lip service," he says. "We live these values every day — and the ‘we’ is collective.

It’s all of us as individuals. Five of us participated in the interview for the CSEA award. All of us are committed to the same thing, which is getting everybody home at night, making sure we take care of each other and ourselves. But Sundt is very large: 1,400 employees each of whom owns a piece of the company, and all of them truly care about one another.

It’s kind of like having a family. It’s not enough to be committed. You have to make good on your commitments." 

How do they foster such a safety culture in a company that’s more than a thousand strong?

"You can’t do it all at once," says Case. "It’s just one day at a time, one employee-owner at a time. ... And I’m thrilled to be part of a great organization that cares as much about its people as it does about its clients." 

The timing of the Harness Hero declaration by City Councilman Daniel Gilman is perfect in that we are currently in the midst of OSHA’s National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction Week. The purpose of the May 2-6 Stand-Down Week is to raise awareness of preventing fall hazards in construction.

"The City of Pittsburgh has built a reputation for forging strong partnerships across all sectors, and the launch of Harness Hero exemplifies the power of collaboration between the business community and the City’s booming technology sector to keep employees safe," said Councilman Gilman. 

"It’s exciting to see the construction industry benefiting from our region’s strong technology sector to create a safety training app that can save lives," said Jack Ramage, Executive Director for the Master Builders’ Association. "Pittsburgh has always been a pioneer when it comes to construction safety and now we’re utilizing advancements in technology to train professionals to be safer on the jobsite." 
Brasfield & Gorrie, a member of multiple AGC chapters, recently announced that the company is joining with other construction industry stakeholders in sponsoring Safety Week 2016, an industry-wide initiative that aims to help raise awareness of safety in construction. 
During the week of May 2-6, 2016, the company will observe Safety Week 2016 with events and activities at its offices and jobsites. Aimed at increasing employee engagement in safety, Brasfield & Gorrie’s efforts will be focused around the theme, "See It, Own It, Share It." 
The company’s Safety Week 2016 initiatives will include a fundraising component to benefit Kids’ Chance, a nonprofit organization that provides scholarships and support to children who have been affected by workplace injuries. As part of the company’s efforts to support Kids’ Chance, Brasfield & Gorrie offered special edition Safety Week t-shirts and will host fundraising events at various office locations. 
"By sponsoring Safety Week 2016, Brasfield & Gorrie is joining with the entire construction industry to help raise awareness of the importance of safety in construction and to foster sharing of best practices and ideas," said Brasfield & Gorrie Vice President and Corporate Safety Director Troy Ogden. "Through our participation in this important initiative, we aim to help build momentum around safety and to benefit a worthy organization whose mission aligns with our top corporate value of safety." 
As part of the company’s observation of Safety Week 2016, Brasfield & Gorrie employees will participate in a variety of activities that elevate worker safety and health. Many of Brasfield & Gorrie’s 200 active jobsites will hold training sessions, such as safety stand-downs, and events designed to foster safety conversations, such as team safety walks and safety lunches. The company’s 11 regional offices will also participate in Safety Week activities, including emergency action plan drills. 
In addition, all Brasfield & Gorrie employees will receive activity packets to share with children, relatives or friends. Designed to help promote safety awareness for the whole family, the packets feature a Safety Hero Club membership card that children can receive by completing activities intended to introduce safety to children and foster safety conversations. 

For more information on Safety Week 2016, visit www.constructionsafetyweek.com.
Founded in 1964, Brasfield & Gorrie is one of the nation's largest privately held construction firms, providing general contracting, design-build, and construction management services for a wide variety of markets. We are skilled in construction best practices, including virtual design and construction, integrated project delivery, and lean construction, but we are best known for our preconstruction and self-perform expertise and exceptional client service. Brasfield & Gorrie has 11 offices and approximately 2,600 employees.

Every year, more than 80,000 workers suffer an injury on construction job sites across the U.S. Any one incident is one too many. Life is too precious to not make safety the number one focus in the U.S. construction industry. That's why over 40 national and global construction firms comprising The Construction Industry Safety (CISI) group and the Incident and Injury Free CEO (IIF) Forum have joined forces with a single aim: to inspire everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety. We know being safe every day on every job site crosses competitive boundaries. That's why we have banded together to create and celebrate the second US Industry Safety Week, running this year from Monday May 2nd to Friday May 6th.

Kids’ Chance of America was established for the purpose of creating, assisting, and supporting Kids’ Chance organizations throughout the United States and other similar programs that provide educational opportunities and scholarships for the children of workers who are seriously or fatally injured on the job. Kids’ Chance believes that we can make a significant difference in the lives of all children affected by a workplace injury by helping them pursue and achieve their educational goals.
Skanska, a member of multiple AGC chapters, launched the "Ladders Last" campaign at its jobsites on May 3 in an effort to educate its 11,000 U.S. employees to make their jobsites and homes safer by choosing alternate ways to work from height other than a ladder. The campaign is the cornerstone of Skanska’s 12th annual Safety Week, May 1-7.  

A study published by the CDC shows that ladders are involved in more than 80 percent of construction worker fall injuries across the industry and that falls remain the top cause of fatal incidents in construction. By taking time to properly plan work each day, Skanska hopes that its workers will find ways to use scaffolds, aerial work platforms and other methods to work from height that offer better safety. 

"When we look at root causes of incidents, it’s alarming how often ladders are involved despite alternatives being available to the crew," said Skanska USA Chief Environmental, Health and Safety Officer Paul Haining. "It goes beyond the project site as well, with thousands of injuries taking place at home. If we can change the way people approach ladders both at work and at home, we can make a dramatic difference in safety."

Central to Skanska’s Injury-Free Environment philosophy is creating a culture where all incidents are considered preventable and where everyone is empowered to speak up when they perceive unsafe conditions. 

"The ‘Ladders Last’ program is really comprehensive, since it addresses work and home environments," said Ross Vroman, executive vice president and general manager of Skanska’s Phoenix office. "If we truly want to eliminate injuries and incidents, it takes a mindset that commits to safe work wherever it takes place."

This year, hundreds of Skanska’s project sites in the United States will address ladder use as part of daily Toolbox Talks each day of Safety Week. Additionally, they will participate in site-specific activities that range from training sessions and product demonstrations to workshops designed to increase comradery and communication among workers in the hope of empowering every individual to speak up for safety. Skanska’s office-based employees will also be able to participate in office-specific programs that focus on office wellness and home safety.

Skanska will also participate in the 3rd annual Construction Industry Safety Week, which it helped establish in 2014. This year, more than 50 partners from across the industry are participating.
Terracon, a member of multiple AGC chapters and a company with a personal and uncompromising commitment to everyone going home safe to their family each and every day, has adopted changes to its Safety Rules and Practices reflecting a commitment to an Incident and Injury-Free (IIF) workplace. As a member of the Construction Industry Safety Initiative (CISI), and together with their 40 partner groups and sponsors, Terracon announced the updates in conjunction with Safety Week, celebrated May 2 - 6.
The most significant change is a total prohibition of cellphone use while driving on company business. Terracon’s previous rule allowed for using a hands-free cellphone function. With a nationwide fleet of more than 2,000 vehicles and more than 3,500 employees with the potential to drive personal vehicles for company business, this rule is a considerable change to business operations and requires significant employee education. Employees are allowed to use cellphones for navigation, which must be programmed before driving. 
"For drivers using cellphones, even a hands-free device, the rate of collisions is four times higher than for drivers not using cellphones," said David Gaboury, Terracon president and CEO. "If Terracon did not adopt this rule change, it would simply not be consistent with our uncompromising commitment to everyone going home safe every day. We’re doing this to protect our employees and their families."
Terracon’s core Safety Rules and Practices are a set of 13 specific activities, common to all employees, with a focus on avoiding accidents and preventing injuries. The updates reflect Terracon as a growing company that continues to evaluate and evolve in light of new research, technological advances in the industry, and internal safety metrics. Employee leaders from across the company created and maintain the Rules and Practices. Terracon originally developed the Rules and Practices in 2014 and has since documented that this commitment to care and concern has reduced employee injuries by more than two-thirds. 
As part of its Rules and Practices updates, Terracon employees are also actively warming-up for work. "Warm-Up for Work" encourages employees to stretch and use proper lifting techniques; activities that can greatly reduce the potential for and severity of back strains and soft tissue injuries. 
Terracon also recently added a Safety Check-In program intended to increase engagement and collaboration between managers and field employees to assure these Terracon employees are working safely and have a voice in sharing safety ideas. More than 350 Safety Check-Ins are occurring each month, reinforcing positive work practices and correcting less-safe work. Additionally, Safety Spot Bonuses encourage employees to recognize co-workers who demonstrate safe choices while at work, and award cash bonuses. 
"Terracon has reduced our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) by 250 percent since 2012," said Jim Wright, Terracon director of safety and health. "Our leading indicators of Near-Miss Reporting and Safety Spot Bonuses awarded both increased more than 250 percent as well. This data shows that Terracon team members are proactively seeking out opportunities to identify and correct safety concerns, with successful results."
As part of Safety Week 2016, May 2 - 6, Terracon will share safety best practices through daily posts on its social media platforms and website. Safety Week focuses on inspiring everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety. For more information visit www.safetyweek2016.com.  

Terracon is an employee-owned engineering consulting firm with more than 3,500 employees providing environmental, facilities, geotechnical, and materials services from more than 130 offices with services available in all 50 states. For additional information about Terracon, visit www.terracon.com
Safety Cabinet
Is your company's health insurance renewing soon?  Have you requested a quote from the AGC Alternative?  Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of this exclusive members-only program and build a better benefits package – one that benefits you and your employees. Check out this video for more information.

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