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AGC, Transportation Construction Coalition Begin August Highway Trust Fund Grassroots Push

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Earlier this month, the AGC co-chaired Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) kicked-off a grassroots effort to remind members of Congress that although they passed a five-year transportation bill last year, their job is not done and the Highway Trust Fund is still in need of a long-term revenue source.  Use the August recess to meet with your federal Representative and advocate for a permanent Highway Trust Fund fix to be included in any comprehensive tax reform package. The House Ways & Means Committee released their blueprint for tax reform several weeks ago, which failed to mention the funding problems with the Highway Trust Fund. The Ways and Means Committee needs to hear our industry's concern about the failure to include a Highway Trust Fund fix in that blueprint.  Visit Hardhats for Highways for talking points to help you in your meeting with your federal Representative, along with information on providing comments directly to the Ways & Means Committee about the importance of fixing the Highway Trust Fund.  If you are unable to meet in person with your member of Congress, you can send a letter to your representative through our Hardhats for Highways website.


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Associated General Contractors of America
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Arlington, VA, USA
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