Support AGC Charities' 2015 Operation Opening Doors Project

AGC Charities hopes you will support it and member-firm Desarrollos Metropolitanos this spring as they work to rebuild the home of wheelchair-bound Army veteran Jose "Rafi" Quinonez.  Mr. Quinonenz served our country for over three decades and saw combat with the Special Forces in Vietnam, Somalia, and Iraq. While the decorated combat veteran was serving abroad, thieves looted his family home of all wiring, plumbing and key fixtures.  Since his combat wounds have left him largely wheelchair-bound since 1997, Mr. Quinonez has been unable to repair his home, and was forced to live in a shack behind his house.

AGC Charities will be joined by a team of volunteers led by San Juan, Puerto Rico-based Desarrollos Metropolitanos to fully renovate Mr. Quinonez's home. During the renovation, we will build a new wheelchair ramp, install new windows, electrical wiring, plumbing, install a handicap accessible kitchen and bathroom, widen all doorways to make them wheelchair accessible, add air conditioning, repair his leaking roof and re-plaster and repaint the inside and outside of his house.  Once completed, the newly rebuilt house will provide this decorated combat veteran with the comfort and dignity he earned defending our country. 

Please consider supporting this effort by donating to AGC Charities' Operation Opening Doors and you can get more information on the project by visiting the website

This brief video provides an introduction to this meaningful project.

AGC Charities was established six years ago to channel and support the charitable efforts of the construction community. Other Operation Opening Doors projects took place in Orlando, Las Vegas, Honolulu, Washington, D.C. and Palm Springs. To get more information about this project and other OOD projects like this, please contact Nahee Rosso at 703-837-5348 or, or visit

To donate to Operation Opening Doors, please visit the charities website.

Associated General Contractors of America