National Day of Advocacy Focuses on Transportation Infrastructure Funding

On Thursday, April 9, 2015, AGC joined forces with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) for a nationwide Stand Up for Transportation Day, with a broad coalition of partners participating in events around the country.  This was an opportunity to call attention to the importance of infrastructure investment and the need for a long-term surface transportation authorization bill. MAP-21, which is the federal surface transportation legislation, expires on May 31. AGC and APTA encourage local organizations and advocates who support public transit and highway investment to participate in these events, which are being held while Congress is on recess. More than 90 events were organized, including a San Diego media event featuring Tom Brown from AGC member firm Sierra Pacific West. The transit organizations also held media and social media activities around the day and the need for more investment. To find out more about the day, go to

Associated General Contractors of America