AGC Trains VA Resident Engineers
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In late May, AGC members met with the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) resident engineers from across the country for an interactive training session at the VA Acquisition Academy in Frederick, MD. AGC detailed the many steps that are involved between the time a contract is awarded and a contractor breaks ground. VA resident engineers engaged in team exercises where they brainstormed timelines of the different steps involved. AGC walked through the whole process and addressed gaps between what the engineers perceived as a suitable timeline and the actual time needed for a contractor to complete the required steps.
Some of the topics discussed included safety reviewing specifications, the logistics of laying out trailer space, assigning personnel, creating a log for the initial Construction Project Management schedule, material delivery and lay down areas, equipment rental, logistics of moving from another project, and site storage facility.
AGC frequently engages in training sessions with federal agencies and remains dedicated to further educating federal agencies on the construction process.
For more information, contact Jordan Howard at or (703) 837-5368.