On Jan. 9, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s subcommittee Water Resources and Environment, held another hearing in preparation for the 2020 Water Resource Development Act (WRDA). R.D. James, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), and Lieutenant General Todd T. Semonite, Commanding General and Chief of Engineers of USACE, testified on proposed projects and the government’s water resource policies since 2018 WRDA. AGC applauds Congress for returning to a regular two-year authorization of WRDA and is advocating for reform.
Lieutenant General Semonite and Assistant Secretary James testified on streamlining Corps’ regulatory decisions, simplifying the permitting process, and giving lower-level authority to the Corps District Command. The 2020 WRDA would authorize new Army Corps of Engineers projects, including ports, levees and key restoration efforts.
AGC testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee late last year that you can view by clicking here.
For more information, contact Jordan Howard at Jordan.Howard@agc.org or (703) 837-5368.