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AGC's IT Forum Steering Committee Seeking Presenters

Mobile Apps in Construction: Development & Usage

  • Have you developed a mobile app that has greatly impacted your construction business?
  • Are you in the process of developing a mobile app to satisfy the needs of your company?
  • Are you using an app already available in the market to meet the needs of your business?

If so, the IT Forum Steering Committee invites you to share your experience and knowledge with other industry professionals at the 2013 Technology Showcase, scheduled for Friday, March 8, 2013, at AGC's 94th Annual Convention in Palm Springs, Calif.

A representative from three AGC member companies will be selected to present the details of their mobile app development. The chosen representatives will receive a complimentary registration to the convention.

Please consider sharing best practices with fellow AGC members. More information to follow. In the meantime, contact Brad Teague at teagueb@agc.org.


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