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Dropbox Testing

Q. Dropbox requires that the recipient install the software on their computer in order to download the file. We don’t want recipients installing software to view our plan documents so need something that users can download without having to install software. Plus while testing their site went down or they’re having issues.
Jim Gaba
Sierra Nevada Construction

A. Box.com is web-based. You can install a sync client on the desktop or smartphone/tablet, but it’s not required.
Eric Gardner
Clune Construction

A. Thanks Eric, you are correct! So all I need to do is share the login and they can download from the web portal. That will work for us.
Jim Gaba
Sierra Nevada Construction

A. I've had success with sugarsync and dropbox. The error you received may be due to Sandy. At any rate, both allow you to create links for specific files or folders that you can directly email or copy/paste and send out to parties to access those files/folders only. I forgot to add that sending out the "share" links in Dropbox and Sugarsync do not require the recipient to download software.
Paul Levin, PSP

A. Here is how we are using dropbox – we are posting the links as discussed below and all it does is open the pdf file for viewing or if you would like to save it that is an option inside the pdf viewer you would use. http://www.lionberger.com/opportunity.php?id=383
Jeff Crawford
Lionberger Construction Co.


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