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AGC Moves the Construction Industry Toward Interoperability

AGC recently took another significant step forward toward the development of interoperability for the construction industry! The association engaged Burger Consulting Group to work with contractors and construction software vendors to accomplish easy data exchange and integrated systems using agcXML schema.  This will result in significant cost savings for software developers, ease of communication between contractors and their systems and accurate data storage.

Several years ago, as the issue of integration between systems was reaching an early peak, AGC led and sponsored an initiative to develop an XML schema (called agcXML) for several common construction record types.  This resulted in 10 XML schemas: Application for Payment, Bonds, Change Directive, Change Order, Owner and Contractor Agreements, Request for Information (RFI), Request for Proposal (RFP), Schedule of Values, Submittals and Supplemental Instructions.

Over the years, the AGC and Burger Consulting have noted the increased contractor demand for interoperability between systems and AGC has decided to take action again by facilitating the adoption of agcXML and the overall interoperability within the industry. The ultimate goal is broader adoption of the schema by software developers that serve the construction industry and greater interoperability between contractors and suppliers. 

Take part in this exciting leading-edge initiative by searching for the "agcXML in construction" group on LinkedIn and request to join. You can also contact Fara Francis, AGC's chief information officer, via email at francisc@agc.org directly for more information.


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