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Collaboration and Support Surround agcXML

The Construction Open Software Alliance (COSA) is collaborating on the promotion of standards data exchange within the construction industry. COSA (constructionosa.org)supports the agcXML initiative and will submit schemas that it develops for review and ratification by AGC. In addition it will provide a platform among its members for testing and promoting the use of agcXML schemas in real-life production environments. 

AGC appreciates the vision of COSA and its members and expresses its excitement in working with another organization whose mission is the promotion of interoperability between systems in the construction industry – a goal that the AGC has been working toward over the past six years. 

"We are pleased to receive COSA’s support for the agcXML," says Fara Francis, CIO, AGC of America. "It brings visibility to the effort, and we at AGC are looking for industry leaders like COSA to drive adoption and interoperability within our industry. That begins with collaboration from the outset."

"We recognize the pressing need for the construction industry to have standards for data exchange.  We at COSA appreciate the AGC’s openness in a collaboration among industry veterans to not only make a standard, but also make one that works," says James Benham, president, SmartBidNet (a member of the Construction Open Software Alliance).

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