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Electronic Submittal Processing and Document Storage System

Q. We are about to begin a project where the owner, architect, engineer and other project stakeholders are located in various parts of the country, and the owner would like us (the CM) to set up and manage the electronic submittal processing and document storage system for the project, rather than the architect.

Can anyone recommend a high-quality submittal processing and document storage software product, preferably cloud-based, or possibly locally hosted?  The key features we’re looking for are:

A) The ability to get the system up and running quickly (within a week);
B) The ability to store a substantial amount of information (it’s a complex project, probably $5 mil-$10 mil in size);
C) A high level of document security;
D) The ability for all project participants to easily perform their role in the submittal process;
E) Date tracking, to clearly identify when submittal and approval actions were taken; 
F) The ability for all project participants to access the documents stored in the system, provided that they have the proper security authorization; and
G) A reasonable cost

If anyone has experience with a software product which seems like a good fit for this situation, please let me know.

Terry Wooding
Petra Construction Corp.

A. You can make something work with Box, Dropbox, or even within a SharePoint site using WorkFlows, but in my opinion, it will not be as robust as you describe you want or have the full set of other features you will get from NewForma, which you can get up and running right away.

Gary Newell

A. Take a look at www.filegenius.com. 
Mark Thompson
Vissering Construction Company

A. We have utilized Newforma Project Cloud (formerly known as AEC Sync) on a number of projects, and it has worked very well.  It also meets all of your criteria.  I’m just not sure how they’ve structured the pricing since the software was acquired by Newforma, but it was fairly reasonable before and was open to unlimited users for the duration of the project.  All members of the project team utilized the software as the project information and status hub, inclusive of all subcontractors. It worked great for RFIs and submittals since subs would generate them in the system and forward them along to us first, for review.  We would then either directly respond to the sub or forward along for A/E review.  It also proved very useful for field personnel by enabling them to access to all approved submittals, shop drawings and RFI responses in real time.   Hope this helps.

Luis Berumen, EIT, CM-BIM
Bartlett Cocke General Contractors

A. Another similar solution to AEC Sync is eCommunication. Most notable difference between the two being more control by you with project flow via customized workflows. There are default workflows but eCommunication gives you a better ability to adapt your current processes into the program. More info below. 

Clint Tornow
BPI Inc.


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