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WEBINAR: Changing Your ERP System: Decision, Implementation and the Life Thereafter

October 22, 2015
2 to 3 p.m.
Member and Non-Member Price: FREE 

At some point every organization must decide, "Is it time to change our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System?" If you decide to keep your current system you risk falling behind technologically and functionally. On the other hand, if you decide to change your ERP you will be faced with making a large investment, undergo varying degrees of disruption, and risk a failed implementation.

The primary reasons contractors seek new ERP systems include:

· change in management and ownership
· change in company direction
· greater need for business process improvements
· desired improvements in reporting and data mining
· field and office operations are not integrated technology is outdated or will no longer be supported, and more.

Once the decision is made to change to a new ERP system, there are common tasks that each contractor must consider in order to make the switch successful. From data conversions to user training, proper planning and implementation management will help make the effort worthwhile and maximize your return on the investment. Join the upcoming AGC webinar and meet two exceptional CFOs who made this critical decision to change their ERP systems and were very active in leading the implementation process, leveraging their systems today to help their organizations achieve their goals.

Register here.


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