Improvements to Construction Technology Underway: Integration, Interoperability and Standards

By C. Fara Francis
Chief Information Officer
AGC of America
Member, agcXML Advisory Board

For several years, AGC has been behind this important industry initiative called the agcXML project.  As the nation’s leading construction industry association, AGC is always identifying, leading and promoting initiatives that are good for our contractor membership and the industry as a whole.

Acknowledging the lack of integration and standards within construction software, AGC of America is championing an initiative that would truly revolutionize our industry – allowing contractors to operate their businesses and projects more efficiently by enabling the electronic exchange of project information across multiple platforms thus reducing the need to re-enter data into multiple software applications.This initiative, called ‘agcXML’ creates the framework and platform for system interoperability within the construction industry and between contracting businesses. The mission is to develop and maintain technology standards for the commercial construction industry and promote adoption of such standards. Many other industries have accomplished this goal but none have achieved this on this scale within the construction industry. This initiative is consistent with AGC’s mission and its commitment to the industry.

The goals of this initiative are: 
What is agcXML
Data standards for various common construction transactions (e.g., RFI, Submittals, Change Requests)

Benefits of agcXML 
For Contractors: 

For Software Developers: 
Current State:  
AGC engaged Burger Consulting Group (BCG) of Chicago, Ill., to work closely with AGC to advance construction technology via this initiative. As a testament to the importance and significance of this project, AGC and Burger Consulting Group invited prominent AGC member contractors and software developers to join a recently formed agcXML Advisory Board (AB).  The Advisory Board’s purpose is to act as rainmakers for this project encouraging their peers to adopt the standards. The AB software vendor members bring a variety of software types to the table.  This creates a great synergy since the AB, consisting of both software vendors and contractors, gets to experience both perspectives and the nuances of each and will help in the development of the schema to support various construction processes such as RFIs, Submittals, Scale tickets and so on.  As mentioned earlier, adoption is the ultimate goal – and these representatives can work together and demonstrate the value of adoption.

Funding for this initiative: 
AGC is very grateful to the following software vendors who are supporting us on this journey with monthly sponsorship contributions. The following vendors are gold sponsors of this initiative: 
AGC 2014 Convention:
There will be a Live XML Demo using Request for Information (RFI) transaction to demonstrate the ease of data exchange and interoperability.  This demo will be held on Tuesday March 4, 2014 from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. PST at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, Room: Tower Ballroom 5.

For more information on this project, visit