Where Concrete Pours Meet Technology: TRUCKAST


Delivering transparency, the truckast mobile app delivers real-time information to a new aspect of the construction industry — the concrete pour.

"TRUCKAST enhances communication between us and our customer," says Henry Batten, CEO of Concrete Supply Co. in Charlotte, North Carolina, a member of Carolinas AGC. Concrete Supply’s operations team and customers use TRUCKAST to monitor the progress and performance of delivery cycles. The tool tracks the progress of individual orders. Both the contractor and supplier can monitor in real-time. 

"There’s cold, hard data," Batten says. "We can see where we were off due to a plant issue, traffic or whatever." That gives Concrete Supply a chance to improve its service or workflow. "They have taken the information and made it more usable, so you have an opportunity to enhance your decision making because of it," Batten says. Prior to introducing TRUCKAST, customers would call Concrete Supply and ask the whereabouts of the delivery truck or to change the mix and amount of product being shipped. "This allows them in real-time to have the same information we have," Batten says. "Customers can make changes without calling in. It’s immediately communicated to our shipping department."

Additionally, Concrete Supply can monitor how the contractor is doing, understanding in real time how the pour is progressing. The app alerts the contractor when the last truck leaves the plant. If the project needs more concrete, the foreman can quickly place an order, reducing or eliminating the wait time for the new order.

"TRUCKAST replaces those phone calls and places all of that information into a mobile app, so everyone knows what is going on,"  says Todd Davis, CEO of TRUCKAST in Los Angeles. "Contractors are more efficient, because they have up-to-the-minute forecasts
about how long a delay will be, and they can adjust work activity accordingly."

The app promotes long-term, high-trust relationships through greater transparency and enhanced communication. It also promotes accuracy and ensures a smooth delivery of concrete on multitruck pours.

Contractors can order concrete from the TRUCKAST app, which tracks who ordered it, and the mix and amount that was ordered.  TRUCKAST stores information about all past and present jobs, which streamlines reordering and reduces time spent on hold or following up by telephone.

The app includes a place to upload photos and comments within the context of the delivery. It also helps with compliance, for  instance, verifying that the mix met seismic standards. "It shows the mix, when it was delivered and poured in a clear electronic record," Davis says.

TRUCKAST works on smartphones and mobile devices. People find it intuitive and easy to learn how to use. It can also be used with asphalt, aggregate, cement and admixture bulk construction materials.

"Suppliers and contractors immediately grasp the effect this will have on their business models and the opportunity to optimize both parties at the same time," Davis says. "That’s the crux of the innovation."