www.agc.org • October 2012

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The Hartford
Naylor, LLC
"Mobile Apps in Construction: Development & Usage" is the theme for the 2013 Technology Showcase, and the IT Forum Steering Committee is searching for presenters to share their best practices with other AGC members.
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Most of your personal data probably resides in the cloud (email, social media accounts, banking accounts, calendar, etc.). But what about the technology ou use at wok daily? Chances are that the amount of work data you access from the cloud is significantly less than the amount of personal data you access from the cloud. What is it that's keeping IT directors and CIOs in 30 percent of commercial building companies from embracing cloud technologies?
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Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Ironclad Performance Wear Corporation (ICPW) recently introduced the TouchScreen performance work glove specifically designed to keep hard working men and women protected and connected.

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Does anyone know of a research article that outlines the typical percentage of IT costs in proportion to company revenue?
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