www.agc.org • February 2015

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Naylor Association Solutions
The 2015 IT Forum Conference will be held July 30-31, 2015, in Chicago, Illinois. More details to follow but mark those calendars now!
Join us in San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 18-20, 2015, and gain a comprehensive view of where you are, where you are going and where you need to be to strengthen the educated decisions construction professionals have to make everyday. Two not-to-be-missed technology sessions will cover emerging and innovative trends.
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In December, JBKnowledge released its 3rd Annual Construction Technology Report. This report reveals the comprehensive results from a 40-question 2014 survey with commentary and analysis from the perspective of a construction information technology provider. It aims to address the information technology strategies of small, medium and large construction companies alike, the solutions they employ, and how devices and software technologies integrate to support construction project collaboration.
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Accessing floor plans and blueprints on mobile devices is great — until it doesn’t work. Here's how one AGC member moved beyond the limits of some cloud-based technologies.
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On Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015, the FAA released its proposal on commercial drone use. Under the new FAA proposal, drones that weigh less than 55 pounds would be able to fly up to 500 feet above the ground at speeds up to 100 mph. Drone operators would have to obtain a special unmanned operating certificate, and follow a handful of restrictions, including keeping the drone within sight, and avoiding hazards like restricted airspace, people, airports and other planes. Sunday's proposal is not a final rule, and will be opened to public comment and feedback.
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XL Catlin
February 26, 2015
2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST
Leading contractor, Computer Guidance customer and long-term AGC member Thorpe Plant Maintenance and Engineering will be featured in the upcoming industry webinar on February 26, 2015. Thorpe Plant Maintenance and Engineering is one of the most recognized fast-growing specialty construction companies in North America focusing on engineering, manufacturing and field construction of corrosion, refractory, insulation, fireproofing, industrial flooring services, high-temperature products and non-metallic equipment. The organization has undergone some recent changes including the acquisition of a number of companies, re-organization of the current organization and implementation of a variety technology solutions in support of the industry they serve and their aggressive growth strategy.

Transforming Deliverables  
April 29-30, 2015 
San Diego, CA

The "deliverable" is a mechanism used to relay instructions and information from one party to another in a useful format. A common opinion is that the "I" in BIM is of utmost importance, but it is also the most overlooked. How can our industry better harness the information we are creating with BIM tools? What forms should these new deliverables take? Do traditional formats still work? Are there ‘new and improved’ deliverables on the horizon?
Naylor, LLC
Constructor magazine is currently working on its 2015 editorial calendar. Stories planned include disaster recovery, drones in construction and cybersecurity. If you have experience in any of these areas and would like to be considered a source for a feature article, please contact Jeanie Clapp at jclapp@naylor.com today.
Naylor, LLC
More than 2,500 small - and mid-size general contractors are using BuildingBlok, a cloud-based platform to manage construction projects.
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In an effort to allow for easier information sharing and improved collaboration, our technology conversations will now be at the 'AGC IT Forum' group in LinkedIn. We invite you to click on the link and join your peers as you continue to provide great contributions on various technology tips that impact your business and our industry. 

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