AGC of America is now accepting proposals for a limited number of speaking opportunities for educational breakout sessions at
AGC’s 99th Annual Convention, February 26-28, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, Louisiana.
If you would like to speak at the technology track at the convention, please submit your proposal by the deadline. The convention is designed for mid- to senior-level management professionals who work in any of the commercial construction markets: building, federal, heavy, highway and transportation, and municipal and utilities. All educational sessions should be targeted toward these attendees. An important goal of the convention is to provide high-quality educational sessions for construction executives and professionals. Our two-and-a-half day, multiple-track format is focused on topics that reflect current and emerging issues in construction. Special consideration will be given to presentations that are focused on best practices and the unique challenges that construction contractors face throughout the industry.
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