
Associated General Contractors of America


AGC is excited to launch its call for proposals for the 2021 AGC IT Conference for Construction Professionals, to be held at the Hilton Chicago from August 10-12, 2021. Last year's virtual conference was a success and an amazing learning experience, but we really missed the one-on-one conversations we had with you back in 2019, so this year's event will be in person, in Chicago.


Our goal remains to offer attendees fresh, cutting-edge information to enhance their conference experience and provide great learning and takeaways along with premier networking and collaboration opportunities, and for that we are working on ensuring the conference brings to both presenters and attendees the opportunity to engage during and after the sessions.


All proposals must be submitted online using this link by June 1st, 2021. To submit a proposal you can register for free here, then select the 2021 AGC IT Conference for Construction Professionals Call for Speakers from the list of programs to begin building your proposal. Each individual can submit a maximum of two proposals.

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Trimble Construction Logistics
Babbel GmbH
New platform connects prospective workers with construction employers


Contractors, looking for employees for your next project? Construction workers, looking to network for that next job and swap stories with colleagues on how to propel your career? There’s an app for that: Trade Hounds, the first mobile platform built exclusively for commercial trade workers in America. AGC of America members say it can go a long way toward helping to solve the industry’s workforce shortage crisis.

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On February 4, the Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act was introduced in Congress and AGC released a statement after its introduction: New “PRO Act” Will Hurt Construction Workers, Undermine Their Privacy And Make It Hard For The Economy To Recover, Official Warns. The bill is the AFL-CIO’s ambitious attempt to overturn decades of federal policy. Despite its name, the PRO Act does much more than protect an employee’s right to organize and engage in collective bargaining. In fact, the PRO Act would expand the economic weapons available to unions at the bargaining table, at the workplace, and beyond. The proposed legislation also contains provisions that are of particular concern to union contractors and those concerns were discussed in detail in an AGC analysis last year. AGC is encouraging members to tell their members of Congress to oppose this anti-worker, anti-privacy, and anti-recovery legislation by following this link.

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AGC of America is conducting a new coronavirus survey to determine how the pandemic has impacted operations over the past year and their expectations. The association will use the survey results to educate officials about the current state of the construction industry and advocate for additional relief measures designed to boost demand for construction. Please take the survey by the close of business on Thursday, March 4. The association will then analyze the survey answers and release the results by mid-March to members, the media and elected and appointed officials. Please contact Brian Turmail at (703) 459-0238 or with any questions, comments or concerns.

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In the aftermath of a deep freeze that crippled much of Texas last week, the Lone Star State is in need of plumbers, plumbing supplies and emergency repair workers. The governor has waived certain regulations to allow for more access to plumbers from other states. Additional information available here from the Austin Chapter AGC.

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Reduce your TCO in 2021 and Beyond
Tenna LLC
Find out why an equipment management system is right for your business this year to help you control your equipment fleet costs for all your mixed assets and reduce your total cost of ownership. Naturally, you’re probably wondering how shelling out more money for a new technology will save you in the long run. Consider the ways your equipment has cost you in 2020.
Know More Here
CMiC delivers complete ERP and project management software for construction firms, transforming how companies optimize productivity, minimize risk and drive growth by planning and managing all financials, projects, resources, and content assets from a Single Database Platform™. With customers throughout the world, CMiC serves one-quarter of ENR’s Top 400 Contractors and hundreds of small and mid-sized firms, from general and specialty contractors to heavy/highway and project owners.

A case study


Over the last 30 years, Mortenson, a member of multiple AGC chapters, has constructed many of the facilities that make up the United States’ sports and entertainment landscape. Its team of sports construction experts specialize in building these unique venues, bringing an unmatched skillset and understanding of well-designed and constructed facilities that positively influence revenue generation, building operations and the fan experience. Mortenson has a solid reputation for safely and consistently completing projects on time and within budget.

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The construction industry took the first step this month toward a BIM standard in the U.S. during an executive roundtable discussion hosted by the National Institute of Building Sciences. The 40 roundtable participants included executives from Autodesk, Bentley, WSP and HDR, as well as leaders from federal agencies like the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Highway Administration.

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Associated General Contractors of America
2300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300 · Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703-548-3118 · Fax: 703-548-3119 ·