Have you been pondering the decision of purchasing new equipment? As your business continues to grow, this is a question that you may be faced with. There are several things to consider when deciding to purchase equipment:
• Will it pay for itself?
• Does this have long-term value? (one job or future projects)
• Is it better to lease or buy? (What is your current cash position?)
• Do you purchase the equipment new or used?
In any case, you must be very clear on what your business goals are before you make a purchase decision. Consider the many variables that impact a growing business such as: capital investments vs outsourcing, owning vs renting, shop space and consumer market. With growth comes the opportunity to assess where and how you want your business to expand. Unable to join the Roundtable discussion? Now you can listen to previous discussions by visiting www.nomma.org/roundtable. This new member service provides peer-to-peer problem-solving in an on-demand fashion.