2021-2022 NEF Board of Trustees

We are pleased to recognize the following volunteers who were approved by the NOMMA Board of Directors to serve on the NOMMA Education Foundation (NEF) Board of Trustees for the term 2021-2023:

Mark Koenke

Jay Shah

Karine Maynard

Mark, Jay, and Karine will join Rob Rolves, Lynn Parquette, Grant York, and Mike Workman who are continuing their service on the board of trustees. Please help us congratulate these volunteers and thank them for helping advance NEF’s mission.

Thank You for Your Service, NEF Trustees!

A special thank you to our education foundation trustees whose terms have concluded. We appreciate you volunteering your knowledge and time to further NEF’s mission.

Steve Engebregtsen

Carole Workman

Please help us thank and celebrate our volunteers for their service. We cannot be successful without the support of our volunteers.