Category H: Furniture & Accessories - Nonforged

Gold: Foreman Fabricators
Title of Entry: Cigar Bar
Materials.060" alloy, 280 brass sheet alloy, 385 architectural bronze tube, bar and angle
Finish: Antiqued bronze with a clear coat
Total Labor Hours: 450

 Foreman Fabricators

Foreman Fabricators' woordworking customer supplied them with a bar to enable them to fit cladding into their milled reveals. Foreman also supplied a foot rail with custom-made brackets plus a shelving unit for the back bar in a cigar club room.
Getting tight joints on the formed banding was particularly challenging, as was aligning all the components for the removable glass and stemware brackets. Making the finishes look consistent across all items and across joints and working with extremely intense inspections of the finish were additional hurdles. Foreman Fabricators worked patiently with their client to adjust and modify nearly every aspect of the project at least once at the client's request. Fabrication was done by TIG weld on both the sheet and the shapes, and several fasteners were added for the glass clamping.
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