NPMA ePestWorld

Vaccination Information for an Essential Industry

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This information is provided to you as a courtesy from NPMA and does not constitute an official NPMA recommendation, policy or requirement.  It is provided solely to help you understand the complex world of emerging vaccination questions.

The pest management industry was declared an essential industry almost immediately during the pandemic; we have been working hard to keep Americans safe during a very uncertain time. With vaccinations now available to essential workers in almost every state, it is important for the industry to have the facts about vaccines. NPMA has prepared a resource guide to help guide your workplace and you in making the right decision about the vaccination.

Below are some frequently asked questions that collect several resources and guides from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other sources in one easy list.

Where can I find a vaccine near me? Each individual state has their own vaccine page. You can also use VaccineFinder to find a specific vaccine near your address.

Why should I get vaccinated if the industry is already working? There are many practical reasons to get vaccinated. Some customers may be uncomfortable with unvaccinated technicians in or around their home. Travel is also somewhat restricted for those without vaccinations (many states require mandatory quarantines without it), a trend that is likely to carry over to international travel once that is reopened. It also helps move the United States towards herd immunity, and ensure that less people get sick overall. Ultimately, vaccinations will move life back towards a pre-COVID “normal.”

Can my employer require I get vaccinated? On December 16, 2020, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released its updated guidance discussing vaccine mandates in the workplace. The guidance supports the conclusion that an employer may require vaccines in the workplace, so long as there are exceptions available to the mandate – disability exemptions under the ADA and religious exemptions under Title VII.3 Talk to your employer if these exceptions apply to you.

Some states are considering legislation that might change the ability of employers to mandate vaccination once it is available to employees, so it is always best to discuss with a local attorney before proceeding if you are an employer interested in mandating the vaccine for employees.

Once I’m vaccinated, do I still have to social distance and wear a mask? The CDC has prepared a list of what can change after you are vaccinated available here.

I have questions about side effects: The CDC has prepared a guide showing possible side effects of the vaccine available here.

Where can I get information about the science of the vaccines? To learn more about COVID-19 vaccines work, visit this CDC webpage. There are fact sheets available for each of the three currently approved vaccines. You can read ore information about the 1 shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine here, the 2 shot Pfizer vaccine here, and the 2 shot Moderna vaccine here.

If you have any questions about the vaccine you can talk to your doctor and visit the CDC COVID specific page here.

NOTE: This document is entirely composed of information obtained from other sources. NPMA does not warrant the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information contained in this document, and this document is not intended to provide medical or legal advice.


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