NPMA Supports Public Health Legislation in Senate

NPMA sent in a letter of support for S. 1657 The Ticks: Identify, Control, and Knockout Act (TICK Act) prior to a markup yesterday in the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is the lead sponsor, and during the markup she received a committee vote to rename the Act in honor of former Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) who died this week of complications brought on from a tick borne illness. S. 1675 is now known as the Kay Hagan TICK Act. NPMA’s letter of support was entered into the Congressional record, as was the letter NPMA signed on to from the Vector Borne Disease Network. The bill was marked up with bipartisan support and will move to the Senate for a full vote at some point in the future. The TICK Act is the first bill marked up, and you can watch the entire markup here.