CPCA Preparing for Pesticide Preemption Repeal in Colorado

NPMA, CPCA, and CO SPAR Kevin Lemasters are heavily preparing for a potential pesticide preemption repeal to be introduced in Colorado. With the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate Majority Leader all from Boulder, the government of Colorado has become “Boulderized.” The City of Boulder is pushing to repeal pesticide preemption along with the People and Pollinators Action Network, as both groups are close with key lawmakers in the State. Our industry has held several strategy sessions and discussions. Additionally, NPMA is participating in the RISE Preemption Workgroup and CPCA is participating in a Colorado coalition working to fight the bill. Our industry is doing everything we can to prevent a “Crazy-Quilt” of pesticide regulations that would jeopardize both public health and our industry.