Maine Bans Turf and Ornamental Neonicotinoids in Residential Landscapes – Structural Pest Control Exempt – Implementation Process of the Law Begins

The Governor signed the bill, LD 155, into law on June 10, 2021. Maine is now the first state to ban neonics through the legislature – previously states were only designating neonics as RUP. On Friday, August 27th the Maine Board of Pesticides Control hosted a public information gathering on implementing the neonic ban through the rulemaking process with exemptions for structural pest control. NPMA and NEPMA are heavily engaged on the issue and ensuring that the structural pest control industry’s exemptions are simple, seamless, and not burdensome.

As previously mentioned, structural pest control is not impacted, as indoor and outdoor products around structural foundations are exempt from the ban. The exemption reads:  

“Products used for preserving wood, controlling or treating indoor pests, controlling or treating insects outside around structural foundations and other parts of structures and treating pets, as defined under Title 7, section 712, subsection 16, are specifically exempt from the prohibition under this section.”