Mike Peaslee Earns NEPMA Bartlett W. Eldridge Award

Mike Peaslee from Modern Pest Service was recognized with the New England Pest Management Association’s highest award for distinguished service.

Mike is an Associate Certified Entomologist (A.C.E.) and Modern’s Technical Director. He has been with Modern Pest since 1977 and continues to be a guiding force and technical expert in all aspects of Modern’s operations. He was honored as the recipient of the New England Pest Management Association’s (NEPMA) highest award for distinguished service, the Bartlett W. Eldridge Award during the association’s annual meeting on December 8th. The award is named in honor of the organization’s founder and first president. It recognizes an individual who has made a long-term commitment to the betterment of the pest control industry in New England. Recipients exemplify strong service to the industry, a commitment to community service, and an overall acknowledgment by his/her peers within the industry. Click here to read more.