Register Today for the 2022 NPMA Legislative Day, March 13-15

Join us in Washington, DC March 13th-15th for an exciting in person program, followed by virtual hill visits on Wednesday, March 16th. When we receive your registration, we will contact your Congressional representative to request a virtual appointment between 9am and 4pm on Wednesday, March 16th. Remember, the sooner you register, the more likely you are to see your elected officials.

And, get excited to hear from an impressive lineup of high-profile speakers!

Speaker Highlights

Michael Smerconish
•  New York Times Bestselling Author
•  Host, The Michael Smerconish Program on SiriusXM
•  Host, CNN’s Smerconish


Matt Eversmann
Decorated War Hero and Military Leader
•  Portrayed by Josh Hartnett in the film “Black Hawk Down”



Premiere Sponsor

Legislative Day Sponsors

Can’t make it to DC? You can still make your voice heard through our virtual Hill visits on March 16.