PPMA Debuts New Bug Battles Video Series

First-of-its-kind video project shows hypothetical bug match-ups, calling on consumers to guess which pest will win


Bug Battles, a new video production created by the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), is a series of hypothetical encounters. The animated video project pits different species against one another, highlighting each pest’s abilities, habits, and weaknesses to declare a “winner” while educating the public about the property and health threats they can pose and the importance of working with a licensed pest control professional.

Currently the first episode of the series, featuring bald-faced hornets versus yellowjackets, can be found on the site as well as PPMA’s YouTube page. Check back later this month for new episodes to see which pests are crowned the ultimate Bug Battles champions. You can find the episode on YouTube and PestWorld.org. 

For more information about PPMA or to subscribe to Mainframe, please visit http://www.NPMApestworld.org/PPMA.